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YCM Card Of The Day -Remix Edition- *Second Card Added*


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Now, Before I start this, I know that two other people have done this already. I am going to try it out. I will choose cards from other members. If your card is chosen, you will be awarded five points.


Card Of The Day Number One


Member -Deity Mitsu-

Card Name -Wind Splash Spearman-

Date -9/27/07-





All the members of this site that put effort into making cards, are sucessful. I look at a lot of cards, some need work, but the card makers have potential. Deity Mitsu, however, has a gift for card making. His cards are some of the best, if not the best, cards on this site. I thought it was a good idea to have one of Deity Mitsu's cards as the first one. I couldn't make a choice, but I did. I chose what I think is Deity Mitsu's best card, Wind Splash Spearman.


What's so good about this card is that it is unique. The first thing is that Wind Splash Spearman is treated as two monsters while on the field. You can tribute summon a monster that requires two tributes, by just tributing Spearman. Or, you can play a card that inflicts damage for every monster on the field, and inflict even more damage with this card.


Wind Splash Spearman is a Wind attribute monster. If your opponent's lifepoints increase, he also becomes a Water attribute monster. This effect, somewhat like the effect of Light and Darkness Dragon, lets you do many different combinations. If you activate the trap card, Gift Card, your opponent gains 3000 lifepoints, and Wind Splash Spearman becomes a Water Attribute monster. Then, you can activate Megamorph, and make Wind Splash Spearman's attack 3000, and attack your opponent's lifepoints directly.


I think that because he is treated as two monsters, and he is able to attack directly if there is a water and a wind attribute monster on the field, Wind Splash Spearman would be limited upon release.


Score -9/10-

Ruling -Limited-


-Card Of The Day Number Two-


Member -Dark Jagwar-

Card Name -New Game-

Date -9/29/07-





You might be wondering why I chose this card to review. I never said the card wouldn't be a broken card. This card is like a trap version of Fiber Jar, except it's better. This card would be used in every deck if it wasn't a custom card.


This card can only be activated if you are about to lose, meaning if your lifepoints are going to become zero from an attack, or the effect of a card, or if you lose because of Exodia The Forbidden One. When this card is activated, you shuffle all cards except the ones removed from play back into your deck, and draw five cards. Then, your lifepoints are increased to 8000.


It's a broken card, and it would be banned upon release.


Score -5/10-

Ruling -Banned-

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