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A Milli.

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The Bistro Butcher x3

Chainsaw Insect x3

Hiro's Shadow Scout x3

Morphing Jar

Morphing Jar #2 x3

Needle Worm x3

Night Assailant

Don Zaloog




Book of Eclipse x3

Card Destruction

Hand Destruction x2

Gravekeeper's Servant

Cup of Ace x3




Desert Sunlight x3

The Gift of Greed x3

Waboku x3

DNA Checkup x3


This is a real deck, not a concept. Therefore, if something seems off, it's because I'm missing the cards. (I'm actually missing 21 of the 40 cards in this deck...but most of them are common anyway, and I'm going to buy them...)


Let me know what you think! :)

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Do explain how getting rid of all cards in your opponent's deck is helping your opponent.


I understand that Lightsworn gets a bit of a boost from it because monsters get milled, then summoned, but honestly, because each is self-milling, the opponent will run out of cards very quickly.


In addition, letting my opponent draw cards is fodder for Morphing Jar and Card Destruction.

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Do explain how getting rid of all cards in your opponent's deck is helping your opponent.



It is not being done fast enough and you will be dead before you can make any kind of real impact.


And it is not just LS that benefit from mill, all decks benefit from mill.

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I am telling you why your deck doesn't work and why you shouldn't waste money on it. As much as I love mill, in this day and age, with all of the decks working around the grave (and even if they don't you are just speeding them up) all you are doing is making them faster and more deadly than before.


And you are doing it wrong.

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I just threw this together so it could use some fixes I'm sure.





1x morphing jar

3x needle worm

3x morphing jar #2

1x night assailant

1x sangan

3x spear cretin

3x thunder dragon



1x card destruction

3x hand destruction

3x book of moon

3x book of taiyou

3x book of eclipse

1x pot of avarice

3x the shallow grave



3x desert sunlight

3x threatening roar

3x reckless greed

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Thunder dragon is there because you will constantly be losing hand advantage so he will help with that and he will thin your deck a bit.


Reckless greed is a plus one which will also help with the loss of hand advantage while obviously speeding up the deck.


Roar is will help you control when your monsters are flipped but wabaku will work if you don't have the roars.


If you are looking for a way to combat LS use light imprisoning mirror, kycoo, d fissure, ect.

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I only have 2 Roars while I have over 9000 Waboku.


Then run 2 roars and one waboku.


I have Light Mirror in the side build. I also run Banisher since I lack DFissure and Cosmos. :S


It's acceptable. If you are facing off against LS side in your roars/waboku.


I also don't have Kycoo :(


It isn't needed' date=' it can sometimes help though.[/b']

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I built a necromill OTK a while back.

It was probably the most concistent deck ive ever built apart from My Earthbound god deck' date=' or my TeleAssaultModeTurbo



Then that points to one of two things,


1) You are very lucky


2) You need to build better decks.

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