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My Attempt at a Monarch deck.....

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___40 CARDS___

[Remastered By Ashley Alden]



////23 Monsters////


//11 Tribs//


3 Cyber Dragon

3 Raiza

3 Thestalos

2 Zaborg


//12 Non-Tribs//


3 Mystic Tomato

3 Hydrogeddon

1 Sangan

1 Spirit Reaper

1 Treeborn frog

1 Breaker the magical warrior

1 Snipe hunter

1 Morphing Jar


////12 Spells////


2 Shrink

2 Creature Swap

1 Soul exchange

1 Brain control

1 Premature burial

1 Pot of avarice

1 Heavy storm

1 Scapegoat

2 enemy controller


////5 Traps////


2 Dust Tornado

1 Trap Dustshoot

1 Torrential Tribute

1 Mirror Force

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tribute monsters


Raiza x3

thestalos x3


mobius x2

cyber dragon x2



non-tribute monsters


treeborn frog


Spirit Reaper

breaker the magical warrior

magician of faith

mask of darkness

night assailant

snipe hunter

mystic tomato x2

exiled force


spell cards


soul exchange x2

brain control

nobleman of crossout x2


smashing ground

premature burial

pot of avarice

heavy storm



trap cards


torriential tribute

mirror force





i think you dont have enough Dark 1500 ATK or less Monsters to use Mystic Tomato. i'd suggest removing it. also, i think Exiled and Mask of Darkness and Night Assailant can go. Replace them with 3 Hydrogeddons.


otherwise, good!

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Hey, KA DID A GOOD JOB. IT lacks call and book, but besides that, just remove tomatos and exiled for OVM and 2x apprentice.


Also, night assailants SECONDD effect does NOT activate if it is discarded by snipe hunter, so you may want to consider decking a seer or another OVM if you can :)


OTherwise. *pats back* Good job kid :)

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No, Call of the Haunted is pretty good. JUst sacrifice the monster for a MOnarch or summon a monarch itself. I can't believe somebody would sondier using Ceasefire and not Call of the Haunted. Add a book too, it's useful when attacking weak defense monsters, when your opponent uses Fissure/Smashing Ground/ect., or attack your Flip effect.


Anyways, there are too many Monarchs. Side deck Mobious instead of Twister and Raiza beats Zaborg too much to consider him. You can target S/T, turn them back a turn, and avoid "When this monster is sent to the Graveyard" effects and other stuff like Sand Moth or My Body as a Shield.

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hmmm' date=' don't put call of the haunted, usually it gets stuck on the field meaninglessly and avoids treeborn frog to return to the field...



thats exactly what i told HORUS



i did some changes to the deck



Hey' date=' KA DID A GOOD JOB. IT lacks call and book, but besides that, just remove tomatos and exiled for OVM and 2x apprentice.


Also, night assailants SECONDD effect does NOT activate if it is discarded by snipe hunter, so you may want to consider decking a seer or another OVM if you can


OTherwise. *pats back* Good job kid [/quote']



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