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She's Baaaaaaaaack.

Astro Dude

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I thought I could kill two topics in one forum.


First of all, About the 11th season of pokemon, I thought 4kids had given up on pokemon altogether, yet here I hear some familiar voices:


Crasher Wake = Odion

Cyrus = Baltor

And this one: Mars = Amy Rose


If this was so, why didn't they bring back the original Ash and Brock and made Misty = Dawn?


Another thing I would like to talk about: Other than a Metroid Animated series (I think it's about time we had one). Lisa Ortiz is making a great comeback in 2009. She was Amy (Lady of the lake), Coco, Roxanne (Ultimate Muscle), Lulu, Sabrina, Lala-ru, among others. Today I heard her as Mars in the latest Pokemon episode. If this is any indication, odds are she'll be Lina Inverse again in Slayers Revolution, along with the original cast, and she'll be Musa, Mitzi, Icy and Digit again in Winx Season 4 (When dubbed). I bet she would make a great Samus in the Metroid Animated series (when and if it comes out). How do I know this, when you watch as many cartoons as I have you tend to pick up a few things, like identifying vocal patterns in characters. Well, I'm done.

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1. Her comeback was the important news.


2. I thought of that.


3. I thought of that too. And thanks for clearing that up. I guess Pokemon was like a part of them back then and they couldn't give it up, so the casting crew called em up to help out. Plus, Dawn sounds like Shinob from Ninja Nonsense. When Slayers Revo gets dubbed, I bet it'll be great to hear Lisa as Lina again.

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I thought I could kill two topics in one forum.


First of all' date=' About the 11th season of pokemon, I thought 4kids had given up on pokemon altogether, yet here I hear some familiar voices:


Crasher Wake = Odion

Cyrus = Baltor

And this one: Mars = Amy Rose


If this was so, why didn't they bring back the original Ash and Brock and made Misty = Dawn?


Another thing I would like to talk about:[b'] Other than a Metroid Animated series (I think it's about time we had one)[/b]. Lisa Ortiz is making a great comeback in 2009. She was Amy (Lady of the lake), Coco, Roxanne (Ultimate Muscle), Lulu, Sabrina, Lala-ru, among others. Today I heard her as Mars in the latest Pokemon episode. If this is any indication, odds are she'll be Lina Inverse again in Slayers Revolution, along with the original cast, and she'll be Musa, Mitzi, Icy and Digit again in Winx Season 4 (When dubbed). I bet she would make a great Samus in the Metroid Animated series (when and if it comes out). How do I know this, when you watch as many cartoons as I have you tend to pick up a few things, like identifying vocal patterns in characters. Well, I'm done.


The last time there was a TV show involving something to do with Metroid, we got this:



If we're gonna get a Mother Brain that looks something like this again, then NO THANKS.

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