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Cybernetic OjaMagician

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Got bored, so yeah. Basically using the powers of Cybernetic Magician to boost ma' Ojamas and lolATK FTW.


Considering The Big March fo All Animals (or somethign like that) and maybe some of that support for lvl 3 or lower Normal Monsters, but not sure what to put in/take out.


Monsters: 22


2 x Cybernetic Magician

2 x Green Baboon, Defender of the Forest


3 x Ojama Black

3 x Ojama Green

3 x Ojama Yellow

2 x Ojama Red

2 x Ojama Blue

2 x Honest

2 x Rescue Cat

1 x Snipe Hunter


Spells: 14


3 x Ojamagic

3 x Double Summon

3 x Burden of the Mighty

2 x Ojama Country

2 x Hand Destruction

1 x Monster Reborn


Traps: 5


2 x Limit Reverse

2 x Beast-Soul Swap

1 x Ojama Trio



Total = 41



Rate/Hate/Comment or Fix, really up to you. Just atleast try to be helpful.

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