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Because Tag Team isn't only a wrestling term anymore!

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I bet half of you who came in here expected to see a Glad beast deck. Well HA HA HA HAA HAAAAAAA. This deck is all about Demise and Dark Strike Fighter.


Strategy #1-4

Demise + DSF= 8000 GG.

AGGD + DSF = 8600 GG.

Demise + AGGD + CQ = 8200 GG.

Demise + AGGD + CQ + DSF = Crazy Taxi down to Funky Town. (17,000)


Okay, so lets get started!


Monsters: 18

3x Demise

2x Dark Creator

1x Cosmo Queen



3x Black Salvo

3x Mechanical Chaser

3x Dekoichi

1x Morphing Jar

1x Sangan


Spells: 17

3x Gear town

3x Trade In

2x Allure

2x End of the World

2x Foolish

1x ARA

1x Heavy Storm

1x Trunade

1x Monster reborn

1x Swing of memory


Traps: 5

3x Reckless

2x Threatening

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Wow, 'cos putting the same thing 3 times, and that only relates to the title, is just what he wants to see!


Looks good, though I'm not an expert on these sort of things, so can I ask what purpose Cosmo Queen serves, apart from Trade-In food and adding more ATK points? The rest I can sort of figure out.

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Wow' date=' 'cos putting the same thing 3 times, and that only relates to the title, is just what he wants to see!


Looks good, though I'm not an expert on these sort of things, so can I ask what purpose Cosmo Queen serves, apart from Trade-In food and adding more ATK points? The rest I can sort of figure out.



Just incase I have ARA and for some reason My deck doesn't have 2 mechanicalchaser.


The deck plays good, Im about to upload a Video of it. Im wondering if anybody else had fixes for it.

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