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My real life deck

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1 member has voted

  1. 1. Do you like this deck?

    • Great!!!something i'd want to come up agianst in a tornement
    • Good!i'd like to duel you one time!
    • Good deck.
    • Not so good,you can do better.
    • Bad deck!
    • Meh,it's rubbish.

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Dark blade

Rallis the star bird

Cybernetic cyclopean

Spell striker

The creator incarnate(&)

Majestic mech-goryu(&)

Granmarg the rock monarch(&)

Cannon soldier

Destiny hero-dunker

Herald of orange light

Alien Infiltator


Cyber archfiend

Morphing jar

Kuraz the light monarch(&)

Caius the shadow monarch(&)

Alien shocktrooper

Destiny hero-departed

Fire trooper

Dark horus(&)

Posion Mummy

Exploder dragon


Elemental hero wildheart

Snipe hunter

Cyber dragon

Hearld of creation

Goldd,wu-lord of dark world

Raiza the storm monarch

Zaborg the thunder monarch

Destiny hero disk commander

The creator

Vengeful shinobi

Chiron the mage




A feather of the phoenix

Magical mallet

Brain control

Bnanner of courage

Heavy storm

Pot of Avarice

The shallow grave

Creature swap


Tribute to the doomed





Ultimate offering

Call of the haunted(X2)

Jar of greed(X2)

Negate attack

Sakuretsu armour

Trap hole(X2)

Compulsory evacuation device

Seven tools of the bandit

Magic cylinder

Shattered axe

Magic jammer




Red dragon archfiend

Stardust dragon


the (&)'s mean it's a key card.

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errmmm' date='let me point out,5 monarchs?so i can get rid of monsters,estroy spell&traps,and my machine beatdown deck(which is good btw) couldn't beat it.



The whole Deck line-up is a joke. Granmarg and Zaborg are both a joke. You use them yet not use Caius at 3 or Raiza at 2. Oh and Kuraz is bad outside of a Macro Monarch Deck and even there I dont find it that useful any more.


Face it. There is no way you could defeat a properly built Macro Monarch, Oppression Monarch, Lightsworn, Twilight or even a ban list raped TeleDAD with this pile of crap you call a Deck. I have pointed out the problems more than once here.


This Deck is also illegal in all Formats so either look at the Ban List sticky and make this Deck legal or quit before you make a bigger fool out of yourself.

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This deck isn't good.

You have a mis-match of 5 differant archtypes, making the themes and ideas behind each one totaly useless.

I'm not gunna say it's rubbish and leave it at that, I'll try to explain why it's bad and help you improve, to the best of my ability.


I'm definately not the best YGOer here, but you wont get much help from anyone else probably 'cos they don't want to help someone with your attitude.

We've seen hundreds of users join up with their crappy decks and are like "OMGeez thsi edck is liek Awesome! duel me, and I will Show you how good It is!" So we get bored of you all.

So first, drop the attitude. Yes, people were mean to your deck, but you didn't have to act like that did you?


Second, decide on a theme and a win condition. Reducing opponents life points to 0 isn't a theme. You mentioned Monarchs, so let's go with them.

There a few ways to play Monarchs, each focusing on getting your Monarchs Normal Summoned easily.


I'm not an expert on Monarchs so if anyone could correct me on the things I say, I'd gladly appreciate it.

I'll go build a Monarch deck, or if someone could do that before I finish I would also gladly appreciate that too.

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Judgement dragon,just becouse you have more stars than me doesn't mean i can't beat you in a duel.




my deck=my play style

your deck=your play style.


Okay, ignore the nice chap offering help.

Your welcome too...

i'm not acctuly talking to you.i might as well just quit,all i do is get flamed.i thought you would acctuly think how hard i worked on this deck.


This Deck is also illegal in all Formats so either look at the Ban List sticky and make this Deck legal or quit before you make a bigger fool out of yourself.

Judgement dragon,shut up,your just flaming me cus' i'm new right?

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Judgement dragon' date='just becouse you have more stars than me doesn't mean i can't beat you in a duel.



Is that so? You say this Deck can win in 10 turns? How bout I have something to eat for 5 turns and then spend the other 5 beating you. How does that sound? Any of my Decks are capable of winning in less than 5 turns.


This Deck is also illegal in all Formats so either look at the Ban List sticky and make this Deck legal or quit before you make a bigger fool out of yourself.

Judgement dragon' date='shut up,your just flaming me cus' i'm new right?



Im not flaming you. If I were. It would be because you are being ignorant and stupid for not taking advice that might actually help you. Not only for this Deck but for any other Deck you have or may build.

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Listen' date='i'm making a new deck,any suggestions? -



It depends on what type of Deck you want (control, OTK (one turn kill), Lockdown, etc)


Gladiator Beasts, Macro Monarchs (or any Monarch build for that matter) are examples of good control Decks.


Lightsworn could be considered an OTK Deck (although not really an OTK Deck) because of how quick winning plays can occur. Batteryman Decks are OTK Decks.


Lockdown Decks are quite rare in the Advanced Format (well consistent ones are) but in Traditional, Chaos Decks could be considered Lockdown Decks although they are not designed solely as a Lockdown Deck. They are more of a Control Deck.


Anti-Meta Decks are Decks that disrupt the top Decks. Macro Monarchs are a rather good anti-Meta Deck but are a bit easy to Side Deck against with the existence of Imperial Iron Wall.


It also comes down to how much money you have or are willing to spend.


If you have the money, a Lightsworn Deck is a good option.


If you are on a budget, Gladiator Beasts are not that expensive any more, Macro Monarchs are relatively inexpensive (Allure of Darkness, Cyber Valley and Raiza the Storm Monarch are really the only overly expensive cards you need but Cyber Valley isnt 100% needed and Allure of Darkness is relatively easy to substitute for).


Judging by what you have posted here, a Macro Monarch Deck is within a realistic range here.


oh yeah' date='judge what's your deck theme btw?



I have at this stage 3 main Decks.


Lightsworn (with a Chaos adaption)


Macro Monarchs

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Yesh' date='i play this deck in world championship 2007 on ds,and i have no problem,can i have this closed pl0x?all i get is flamed.



B/S, you've got Krebons in there (let alone all the other stuff), how the hell would you get them in 07? Also it's really bad.

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Yesh' date='i play this deck in world championship 2007 on ds,and i have no problem,can i have this closed pl0x?all i get is flamed.



Didn't you say this was your real life deck? Anyways, I would not recommend making a Lightsworns deck unless you are willing to spend the money on it. But I can't stop you if you want to make one. If you want to get the cards for it, buying separate cards from people at local card shops will be the best option, not buying the booster packs, since most of the good Lightsworns are super rare or higher, making them hard to obtain.

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