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Demise Geartown OTK

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3 x Demise King of Armegeddon

2 x Cosmo Queen

3 x Aincient Gadjiltron Dragon


2 x Manju of Ten Thousand Hands

3 x Senju of Ten Thousand Hands

2 x Sonic Bird

1 x Sangan

1 x Neo Spaceian Grand Mole

1 x Marshmallon




3 x Geartown

1 x Contract with the Abyss

1 x End of The World

1 x Advanced Ritual Art

3 x Trade In

2 x Allure of Darkness

1 x Monster Reborn

1 x Mystical Space Typhoon

1 x Giant Trunade

1 x Heavy Storm

1 x Lightning Vortex

1 x Limiter Removal

2 x Terraforming


Traps: 3


3 x Reckless Greed

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I'm also currently running a Demise Geartown OTK. I think you should take out Solemn Judgment as using it a couple of times prevents you from using Demise, King of Armageddon's effect. I'd use Threatening Roar instead, to stall for a turn. Since you're running Allure of Darkness, you should replace the Blue-Eyes White Dragons for Cosmo Queens. Also take out Mage Knight Breaker and put in a Megamorph. I'm not sure how it's working for you, but running more than 1 Senju of the Thousand Hands and 1 Sonic Bird is a bit too much since you don't have that many targets for it anyways. If you decide to, remove 2 Senju of the Thousand Hands and 1 Sonic Bird, and put in 2 Terraforming and a 3rd Cosmos Queen or Blue-Eyes White Dragon (more Trade-In and Advanced Ritual Art fodder).


As for the Side Deck, I would do this:


Side Deck (15)

3x Royal Decree

3x Swing of Memories

3x Reckless Greed

2x Mind Crush

1x Brain Control

1x Gorz the Emissary of Darkness

1x Morphing Jar

1x Chaos Sorcerer

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I'm also currently running a Demise Geartown OTK. I think you should take out Solemn Judgment as using it a couple of times prevents you from using Demise' date=' King of Armageddon's effect. I'd use Threatening Roar instead, to stall for a turn. Since you're running Allure of Darkness, you should replace the Blue-Eyes White Dragons for Cosmo Queens. Also take out Mage Knight Breaker and put in a Megamorph. I'm not sure how it's working for you, but running more than 1 Senju of the Thousand Hands and 1 Sonic Bird is a bit too much since you don't have that many targets for it anyways. If you decide to, remove 2 Senju of the Thousand Hands and 1 Sonic Bird, and put in 2 Terraforming and a 3rd Cosmos Queen or Blue-Eyes White Dragon (more Trade-In and Advanced Ritual Art fodder).


As for the Side Deck, I would do this:


Side Deck (15)

3x Royal Decree

3x Swing of Memories

3x Reckless Greed

2x Mind Crush

1x Brain Control

1x Gorz the Emissary of Darkness

1x Morphing Jar

1x Chaos Sorcerer



Thanks. Fixed.

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