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Crap Beast

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Hey I'm new and I thought it would be nice to post my deck. So here it goes.



1 x Andal

1x Exile

1x Bestiari (I'd have preferred for them to just limit gyzarus instead)

2x Dimacari (Stop laughing at me. I don't have any Laquari)

3x Equeste (I don't have any Laquari)

1x Secutor

2x Murmillo

1x Morphing Jar

2x Darius

1x Snipe Hunter

D.D. Lady









2x Proving Ground



GBeast Battle Manica

Monster reborn

2x Shrink



2x Bottomless

3x Waboku

3x Compulsory



Side Deck

Cyber Dinosaur (Say what you want it plays really nice)

Dark Panther (For the mirror match)

Asura Priest

Cold Wave (I only have one)


Proving Ground (Just incase)


Necrovalley (For LightSworn stuff and chaos sorcerer)

Rush Recklessly (It works as if it were a shrink)

Hammer Shot


Karma Cut

Dust Tornado

Shadow and Light imprisoning mirror (1 of each, I want 2)

Destruction Jammer(The poor man's solemn)


I know what you guys are thinking. WTF where are the Test Tigers and the fusions. Well I would run them if I had them. So until then I have to use cards that fit the play style of it right now. Until I get the stuff I want like samnite and one more rescue cat. I'm stuck with what I call crap beast. It still runs well. Just takes a turn to get the beasts swapping. Also I can't wait for summon priest.

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Actually the deck is still quite versatile without laquari. Andal sorta makes up for it especially when the opponent makes the mistake of attacking a murmillow with a waboku behind it. Bring out darius with the Andal ram and it becomes epic. The only real problem is that Stall Decks tear it apart and even with the side deck I can't really do anything.


Its either Crap Glad or Crap Samurai..(You think I'm joking I have nothing else that could be made into an actual deck.)..The Crap Samurai build was wonderful garbage. Just really slow because I basically have to lose before I can win. Since I had no grandmasters or shoguns or anythign like that. I used 2 Enishis and a Chaos sorcerer. Even with protection those die fast so I'm trading as much as I can to get this Glad Build to work.


The combo I'm really looking forward to pulling off is.

playing Colosseum the GBeast Cage and then Rescue cat/summon priest two monsters then test tiger into Gyzarus...if I can get one. I don't see why no one plays Colosseum. Its going to be super broken when summon priest comes out. *Mental note, buy two spellcaster SD to get the summon Priests.*

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No Money.

I had one war chariot, but traded it before I realized that GBeast was all I could run successfully without having to go out and buy a SD and rebuild it with good cards. I really regret that trade. I'll try and get Samnite tomorrow. Are they selling the new packs with Samnite in it yet?

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No Money.

I had one war chariot' date=' but traded it before I realized that GBeast was all I could run successfully without having to go out and buy a SD and rebuild it with good cards. I really regret that trade. I'll try and get Samnite tomorrow. Are they selling the new packs with Samnite in it yet?



Depends on where you live. I don't have it down where I live at the moment, but the official release date was a few days ago


Its Crimson Crisis btw. And its a rare, so its pretty easy to get

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I thought it was a common in the pack. Either way its going to be sick. Rescue Cats for the win. Would you all advise running Gladiator Reprise? It basically takes two GB from teh hand puts them in teh deck and draws 3 cards. Basically a backwards Graceful.

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I thought it was a common in the pack. Either way its going to be sick. Rescue Cats for the win. Would you all advise running Gladiator Reprise? It basically takes two GB from teh hand puts them in teh deck and draws 3 cards. Basically a backwards Graceful.


Nope. Never run Reprise, half the time its a massive dead draw

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Nope no tourney. The guy that runs the tournaments around here doesn't let you trade with anybody. Really sucks. Anyway good news!! I got a Gyzarus. What sucks is that a lot of people had them. Nobody wanted to trade one to me for stupid reasons. One guy was just plain dick ridding someone else saying "well I could get better stuff from "Insert douchebags name here". And the other guy had them in his deck, but he traded me one. Ripped me off, but I didn't need a goyo guardian anyway. Still don't have any laquari or war chariots(Couldn't get them for the same reason as Gyzarus). So heres the new deck list.






Snipe Hunter







2x Darius

3x Equeste



2x Econ




Heavy Storm(Holo woot!)

3x Proving Ground

Cold Wave

Smashing Ground




Karma Cut(Really nice against zombies, Lightsworn, Spellcasters, whatever)

2x Dust Tornadoes(I might drop these for something else)

3x Waboku

2x Bottomless


Forced Back(Epic Stall)

3x Compulsory


and a Gyzarus


My side deck is basically Dimensional Fissures, 2 Banisher of the Radiance, and a pot of avarice(I'm really thinking about main decking it for slow matches).


I'm a bad puller, I almost never get what I need. Didn't get any samnites. Couldn't trade for samnite because nobody has any and Nobody has any Cage of the gladiator beast cards or Rescue Cats.

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I thought it was a common in the pack. Either way its going to be sick. Rescue Cats for the win. Would you all advise running Gladiator Reprise? It basically takes two GB from teh hand puts them in teh deck and draws 3 cards. Basically a backwards Graceful.


Nope. Never run Reprise' date=' half the time its a massive dead draw



i ran one, it helped me when i wanted to put certain gb's back into my deck

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