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Skull Servants will take the new format by storm.

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lol not really, just a really fun Skull Servant-y, DAD Chaos kindovathing.


Monsters: 22


Dark Armed Dragon x1

Chaos Sorceror x1


King of the Skull Servants x3

Lady in Wight x3

Skull Servant x2

Elemental Hero Prisma x3

Plaguespreader Zombie x1

Mezuki x1

Sangan x1

Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter x2

Zombie Master x2

Pyramid Turtle x2


Spells: 12


Book of Life x3

Monster Reborn x1

Card of Safe Return x1

Allure of Darkness x2

Heavy Storm x1

Reinforcement of the Army x1

Brain Control x1

Burial from a Different Dimension x1

Creature Swap x1


Traps: 6


Crush Card Virus x1

Graceful Revival x1

Phoenix Wing Wind Blast x3

Torrential Tribute x1


Extra Deck: 15


Stardust Dragon x2

Colossal Fighter x1

Thought Ruler Archfiend x2

Red Dragon Archfiend x1

Dark Strike Fighter x2

Revived King Ha Des x3

Goyo Guardian x1

Flame Ghost x3


Side Deck: 15


Light-Imprisoning Mirror x3 (LS)

G.B. HUNTER x3 (GBs)

D.D. Crow x2 (LS, Zombies, and Volcanic Monarchs)

Bottomless Trap Hole x2 (Fish)

Imperial Iron Wall x3 (Macro)

Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress x2 (Macro)

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You should make it with Lightsworn tech =/


Rykos are all the LS I really need' date=' otherwise it messes with the KoSS win condition n s***.


Fun is fun than fun in a fun way' date=' fun is an extra.









I've got a plan... NO BACKSIES! Bahahah!

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You should make it with Lightsworn tech =/


Rykos are all the LS I really need' date=' otherwise it messes with the KoSS win condition n s***.


Fun is fun than fun in a fun way' date=' fun is an extra.









I've got a plan... NO BACKSIES! Bahahah!


Fun is only more important than winning to people who lose the majority of the time. =P

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He can ram and Decksearch. An extra King here is huge, and if I need a King or something from the Grave, I can search out a Master.


I have 15 Allure targets, so it really isn't a problem that it's EARTH. =/



The original ATK of this card becomes the number of "King of the Skull Servants" and "Skull Servant" cards in your Graveyard x 1000


Them Reborning my KotSS would only be a problem if they ran Skull Servants.

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You should make it with Lightsworn tech =/


Rykos are all the LS I really need' date=' otherwise it messes with the KoSS win condition n s***.


Fun is fun than fun in a fun way' date=' fun is an extra.









I've got a plan... NO BACKSIES! Bahahah!


Spam like that once more Jurrasic, expect to see a Neg in your Rep.


This actually looks kinda good and fun.

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