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Monsters 22

Garoth x2

Erhen x1

Lyla x3

Ryko x3

Volcanic Rocket x3

Volcanic Shell x3

Honest x3

Royal Fire Guards x2

Celestia x1

Card Trooper x1


Spells 12

Solar Recharge x3

Charge of the Light B. x3

Blaze Acc. x1

Pot of Avi x2

Prohabition x3


Traps 7

Solemn x3

Royal Opp x3

Torrential Tribute x1

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forgive me for not knowing volcanics too well' date=' but what exactly do they contribute to your win condition here.


+3 card trader

find room for it.

cardtrade + volcanic shell = decent draw engine



Actually card trader is in side deck


But the Volcanic Shell is there for a constant monster destruction engine, the Rocket is so i can grab my Acc for the Engine. Since using soul taker/Fissure/Smashing isnt all that great in Anti-meta LS.


In short the LS here is pretty much a draw engine and beat down while the Volcanic is for constent monster destruction and Seaching.


the win condition is always having card advantage with control.

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your dooing it wrong!


you need to make it a ploose deck!



3 volcanic shell

3 volcanic rocket

2 royal firestorm gaurds

3 thestalos


3 lumia

2 lyla

2 wulf

2 celestia

1 jain

1 erehn

1 garoth


1 treeborn frog



3 solar recharge

3 charge of the light brigade

1 blaze accelerator

1 monster reborn

1 brain control

1 heavy storm

2 pot of avarice

1 lightning vortex



1 mirror force

1 torrential

2 pwwb

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