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Spirit Control


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1 x Cyber Dragon

1 x Gorz the Emissary of Darkness

1 x Dark Dust Spirit

1 x Hino-Kagu-Tsuchi

1 x Yamata Dragon



3 x Asura Priest

2 x Doomcaliber Knight

2 x Thunder King Rai-Oh

2 x Maharaghi

2 x Izanami

1 x Susa Soldier

1 x Breaker the Magical Warrior

1 x Neo-Spacian Grand Mole

1 x Morphing Jar



3 x Creature Swap

2 x Monster Reincarnation

2 x Mausoleum of the Emperor

2 x Spring of Rebirth

1 x Heavy Storm

1 x Mystical Space Typhoon

1 x Lightning Vortex

1 x Book of Moon


TRAPS = 10

2 x Dark Bribe

2 x Royal Oppression

2 x Ultimate Offering

2 x Legacy of Yata-Garasu

1 x Phoenix Wing Wind Blast

1 x Torrential Tribute


TOTAL = 43



Generic Agressive Bullshit

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Cyber Dragon > The Tricky? You'll have an empty field most of the time.


Its because Spirits will possibly cause my hand to lock up due to them returning all the time. Tricky helps me relieve that' date=' but it really doesn't worry me, i think I might switch them over


-1 Lightning Vortex

-2 Mystic Box

+1 Creature Swap

+2 Legacy


I don't know about taking out Vortex, I would need to take out a whole bunch of monsters if my opponent swarms a lot. So heres what I'll do


-2 Mystic Box

+1 Creature Swap

+1 Legacy of Yata


Terraforming maybe?


Seems alright to me, what should I take out?

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Light and Darkness Dragon?


It does negate the returning to hand thing =/


No' date=' that doesn't work, it continuously loops until LaDD can't have enough ATK to decrease, then the Spirits return anyways


When “Light and Darkness Dragon” negates the activation of a Spirit Monster's effect that would return it to its owner’s hand, the effect of the Spirit Monster activates again during the same End Phase. When the return effect of the Spirit Monster is activated during the End Phase while “Light and Darkness Dragon” has less than 500 ATK and DEF, the second effect of “Light and Darkness Dragon” will still activate, but it will not be able to negate the activation and the Spirit Monster will return to its owner's hand.

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Hmm' date=' I geuss you should keep it.


-1 Doom Cali

+1 Izanagi (Maybe?)/Legacy


You always want draw power even in a hand swarmer.



Most Spirits are worthless if there kept on the field


Maharaghi is an example, it allows me to swipe through my deck and swap top cards and move them to the bottom hoping to get a better card for the current situation

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2 Sarc



Solemn > Bribe


I'm running Ultimate Offering, and Mausoleum, I'm wasting too much Life Points already, thus I'm using Bribe over Solemn, and have added Doomcaliber


And I'm not a fan of Sarc's, even if i had to add it in, I would only add 1

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