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A Spell Counter is a "Counter" that is placed on a monster, usually by the effect of a Spellcaster-Type monster, or a card that has something to do with Spellcaster-Type monsters.


An A-Counter is a "Counter" that is placed on a monster, usually by the effect of an Alien monster, but occasionally by the effect of a card that has something to do with an Alien monster.

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A Spell Counter is a "Counter" that is placed on a monster' date=' usually by the effect of a Spellcaster-Type monster, or a card that has something to do with Spellcaster-Type monsters.


An A-Counter is a "Counter" that is placed on a monster, usually by the effect of an Alien monster, but occasionally by the effect of a card that has something to do with an Alien monster.



Thanks for the info but what does a counter look like?Is it a card?

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A Spell Counter is a "Counter" that is placed on a monster' date=' usually by the effect of a Spellcaster-Type monster, or a card that has something to do with Spellcaster-Type monsters.


An A-Counter is a "Counter" that is placed on a monster, usually by the effect of an Alien monster, but occasionally by the effect of a card that has something to do with an Alien monster.



Thanks for the info but what does a counter look like?Is it a card?



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A Spell Counter is a "Counter" that is placed on a monster' date=' usually by the effect of a Spellcaster-Type monster, or a card that has something to do with Spellcaster-Type monsters.


An A-Counter is a "Counter" that is placed on a monster, usually by the effect of an Alien monster, but occasionally by the effect of a card that has something to do with an Alien monster.



Thanks for the info but what does a counter look like?Is it a card?

Pick up a random object in your room. That can be a spell counter.

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A Spell Counter is a "Counter" that is placed on a monster' date=' usually by the effect of a Spellcaster-Type monster, or a card that has something to do with Spellcaster-Type monsters.


An A-Counter is a "Counter" that is placed on a monster, usually by the effect of an Alien monster, but occasionally by the effect of a card that has something to do with an Alien monster.



Thanks for the info but what does a counter look like?Is it a card?


I personally use Dice over the cards to represent Spell Counters.

they are nothing really, just a formal way to count. They are not like Tokens either.

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yeah, but tokens have Name/ ATK/ DEF/ Level/ Type/ Attribute/ and sometimes even effect, while Counters don't have anything, the only thing that differenciates them is Spell/A-/Venom/Fog/Clock/Counters to see what strategy does it work with

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A Spell Counter is a "Counter" that is placed on a monster' date=' usually by the effect of a Spellcaster-Type monster, or a card that has something to do with Spellcaster-Type monsters.


An A-Counter is a "Counter" that is placed on a monster, usually by the effect of an Alien monster, but occasionally by the effect of a card that has something to do with an Alien monster.



Thanks for the info but what does a counter look like?Is it a card?


I personally use Dice over the cards to represent Spell Counters.

they are nothing really, just a formal way to count. They are not like Tokens either.


But what does a counter do?

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absoulutely nothing :) is just fodder for other cards that need it.. just read the cards, if a card says something like "remove 2 Spell Counters from this card to... " then you just do it. they are nothing but numbers that don't have any influense in the game by their own. it all depends on the cards that use it ...

I don't know how to explain it clearer... sorry ^-^"

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absoulutely nothing :) is just fodder for other cards that need it.. just read the cards' date=' if a card says something like "remove 2 Spell Counters from this card to... " then you just do it. they are nothing but numbers that don't have any influense in the game by their own. it all depends on the cards that use it ...

I don't know how to explain it clearer... sorry ^-^"



Thanks.I'm really glad there is people who can help me with some problems like this.I hope everyone is like this,not saying negative thoughts about me and Yugioh.

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