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FelixTheCat’s Pokémon D/P Wi-Fi Tournament | Help Desk | Discussion

Flame Dragon

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IV = initial value. When you catch/hatch a pokemon, each of its 6 stats have an IV number from 0-31. This number is completely random, and determines just how high that particulkar Pokemon's stat can go. So, hacking a Pokemon to have 31 in all IVs is totally noobish, since it is always supposed to be random.


EV = Effort Value. When you defeat certain Pokemon, they give an invisible EV point to the stat of the Pokemon that defeated them. For example, Magikarp, when defeated, gives the pokemon one Speed EV. For every 4 EVs in a stat, that stat goes up by one point. A Pokemon can have a maximum of 510 EVs, and only 255 EVs can be given to any one stat.

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Basically it's all fractional just not 100%


If you have a lv50 gengar with max IVs/EVs/SpA boosting nature its SpA will be 200, at 100 it would be 394 and all its moves would be the same. Its the same Pokemon with different movesets.


Also my comp's being a d!ck so I might not be able to get on here too much.

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