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The YCM Pokémon D/P Wi-Fi Tournament | Hosted by Felix | Prizes Could Reach 6500+ | Round 3


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Here is the new form for me!

YCM Username: Kingduel1

Pokemon D/P Character Name: Omar

Pokemon D/P Friend Code: 2063-5141-4375



I will battle you on friday! I will pm you when i have my nintendo ok. Is that ok for you Felix?

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Here is the new form for me!

YCM Username: Kingduel1

Pokemon D/P Character Name: Omar

Pokemon D/P Friend Code: 2063-5141-4375



I will battle you on friday! I will pm you when i have my nintendo ok. Is that ok for you Felix?


Sounds cool.


I suppose it's too late to enter? Considering the parings have already been done.


Well we might need someone to battle Zexaeon, as Hybrid seems to be very unactive as of late. If you put up a form you can battle him but only if Hybrid doesn't turn up by, let's say... Tuesday.

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First round is up:


Jasa159 vs Black Magician Girl


Kinduel1 vs Dark


Lord_Charmander vs david 10101


Flame Dragon vs Swift


Queen-Dragoon vs Overheat29


Parablank vs AchlordZerato723


FelixTheCat vs J123


Zexaeon vs .:Hybrid:.


You can not battle your opponents until Saturday; prepare until then.


Bolded Matchups = LOL


What about me? Do I get an auto advance to the 2nd round? MOMMY WILL BE SO PROUD!


You might as well disqualify me

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^He is. He was asking me about stuff yesterday. I told him to PM you but I guess he didn't as of yet.


Parablank hasn't been active in awile. He doesn't know that the tourny starts saturday and Won't be able to battle me:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

Yes!!!! I just found my diamond can I still enter with it instead of my platinum???? the FC is 1504-9168-6407


Give it some time. Also, yes you can; you can use whichever game you want.

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^He is. He was asking me about stuff yesterday. I told him to PM you but I guess he didn't as of yet.


Parablank hasn't been active in awile. He doesn't know that the tourny starts saturday and Won't be able to battle me:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

Yes!!!! I just found my diamond can I still enter with it instead of my platinum???? the FC is 1504-9168-6407


Give it some time. Also' date=' yes you can; you can use whichever game you want.


No he has not.

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