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The YCM Pokémon D/P Wi-Fi Tournament | Hosted by Felix | Prizes Could Reach 6500+ | Round 3


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Yeah... I doubt it. I already have a basis team made' date=' but I never fix my team until I know who my opponent is. Like, if I know they have a Ninjask, I would pack a PHazer. =D


Not the best thing to do. People can have more then one team, I have 2 in game and I'm working on a 3rd. You never know what your opponent might pull.


I don't just make a PHazer and leave it. It has multiple roles. My PHazer could be used as a Special Sweeper if the need arises.


Also, if I don't pack a PHazer and they have a Ninjask, I am royally screwed.

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Yeah... I doubt it. I already have a basis team made' date=' but I never fix my team until I know who my opponent is. Like, if I know they have a Ninjask, I would pack a PHazer. =D


Not the best thing to do. People can have more then one team, I have 2 in game and I'm working on a 3rd. You never know what your opponent might pull.


I don't just make a PHazer and leave it. It has multiple roles. My PHazer could be used as a Special Sweeper if the need arises.


Also, if I don't pack a PHazer and they have a Ninjask, I am royally screwed.

I fail to see how with your severely broken Pokemanz.

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Yeah... I doubt it. I already have a basis team made' date=' but I never fix my team until I know who my opponent is. Like, if I know they have a Ninjask, I would pack a PHazer. =D


Not the best thing to do. People can have more then one team, I have 2 in game and I'm working on a 3rd. You never know what your opponent might pull.


I don't just make a PHazer and leave it. It has multiple roles. My PHazer could be used as a Special Sweeper if the need arises.


Also, if I don't pack a PHazer and they have a Ninjask, I am royally screwed.

So I'm guessing your PHazer is Swampert or Suicune.


So if it can do several things why do you not always use it?

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Because I usually have better people for the multiple jobs they have' date=' and unless I really need a PHazer, it's a waste of a party slot.


So now we're back to the other point. You don't know the team your opponent is going to use. If you think their going to use a Ninjask and go to your PHazer only to find out they are using another team you just wasted a pokemon slot. But if you think their going to use a different team, only to find they have the Ninjask, using your own words, your royally screwed.


The best thing to do is have your main team be prepared for as many things as possible.

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lol, I can't help but notice the link to "The Felix Hotel in Warsaw", anywho I'm near crippled at the moment; the comp's mouse is missing (taken, in the hopes I can't use it with it gone) so I'm having to use the f*cking Tab/Alt button to navigate. Plus my DS has been confiscated. I'll try and tell you guys when I can start up the 2nd round but it's really hard. I'm probably not going to be very active but PM me with any questions and if I log on I'll try to answer them. Sorry guys:(


PS: Dragoon's team is ripped.


PPS: I battled Dark a few days ago and won 5-0.

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Lol, unless Dragoon's team has changed since I battled him a few weeks ago, you have nothing to worry about. Just kidding, it kicks ass. Anyways, my Pearl is up and running again, as is my WiFi, so if anyone wants a battle, or you need a replacement, drop me a PM. It's unlikely though I suppose:(...

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Lets see the first round started about three weeks ago so yeah I'd say you were a bit late, if you'd have waited another week you could have missed it by a month:/


I'm starting to think we should put this thing on Shoddy, most of the next rounds contenders have an account do we should be solid.

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yay i couldve procratinated for a WHOLE MONTH almost a recored. (so proud of my self)


Dark your in a pickle i have a pokemon PERFECT pokemon for your situation.


P.S. this dose not count as spam because its about the tourny.


P.S.S. if i cant join felix is there a way i can help

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Thanks, Felix. Can we start Round 2 already?


Also, screw my damn router. I was testing out my Shoddy team on WiFi and someone called my house. My router disconnected. So, when I battle people, I'll have to steal my neighbors WiFi. SECRETLY.

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I don't think we should do it on Shoddy. You did say no IV hacks' date=' and Shoddy is technically an IV/EV manufacturer, but it's a Java applet. It doesn't really show how you can breed and/or have people breed for you. WIFI FTW!


I see nothing wrong with using IV hacks if both people have it.


Having people breed for you isn't doing the hard work it takes to make a good team, so it is much like using hacks.


Shoddy is better for the simple fact that it is faster and lets people that don't have Wifi, or a DS for the metter, also play.



So, I can see why no ubers, but what about UU?


Yes I put off doing the things I should be doing by making pokemon teams.


I have ATM, 5 OU, 2 UU, 1 NU, and Uber Team. Their is also TAG's and Dragon Master's team, both of which I helped make.

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