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Somethings Fishy


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March Format/Budget

Fillers are in itallics


Monsters: 19

2x Levia-Dragon - Daedalus

3x Super Ancient Deepsea King Coelacanth


3x Royal Swamp Eel

3x Golden Flying Fish

2x Oyster Meister

1x Unshaven Angler

2x Warrior of Atlantis

2x Phantom of Chaos


Spells: 14

3x A lengendary Ocean

1x Brain Control

1x Creature Swap

1x Enemy Controller

1x Heavy Storm

1x Monster Reborn

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

2x Hand Destruction

1x RoTA

2x Book of Moon


Traps: 7

3x Fish Depth Charge

3x Threatening Roar

1x Torrential Tribute


Extra: 15


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..............A destinay hero in a fish deck?


If I run out of tuners or I can only get 1 with coel i can get out a plasma with it's effect.

Phantom of Chaos?


Is that a suggestion? If so what to remove?

that makes sence

..............A destinay hero in a fish deck?




"Hay Bonqueesha' date=' I just stahted playin' Yu-Gi-Oh! I play a Destinay Hero deck! Fo' shizzle!"



im confuses wats a Bonqueesha? i play dragons and dark synchro decks...

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