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Zombie, need to change BADLY!

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My deck was good a while ago, but then boom, it just......


well died. (lol no zombie jokes please) anwho. I was thinking, maybe i should change the deck all together.


I have played only with friends, so i havent been able to make my deck tournament ready. Help would be greatly appreciated.


hey if you hate the deck, leave a reply, depending on how many people hate it, i'll change it.




-D.D. Crow

-Treeborn Frog

-Morphing Jar

-PlagueSpreader Zombie

-Spirit Reaper

-Neo-Spacian Grand Mole

-Injection Fairy Lily


-Pyramid Turtle x2

-Breaker The Magical Warrior

-Thunder King Rai-oh


-Zombie Master x2

-Ryu Kokki x2



Total = 18




-Book Of Life x2

-Nobleman Of Crossout

-Shield Crush

-Swords of Revealing Light

-Brain Control


-Monster Reborn

-Card of Safe Return

-Creature Swap

-Mage Power


-Foolish Burial

-Lightning Vortex

-Book Of Moon

-My Body As A Shield

-Mystical Space Typhoon

-Heavy Storm


Total = 18




-Dust Tornado

-Torrential Tribute

-Treacherous Trap Hole

-Royal Decree x2


Total = 5


Combined Total = 41


-Extra Deck-


-Magical Android

-Gaia Knight The Force Of Earth.

-Goyo Guardian

-Black Rose Dragon x2

-Thought Ruler Archfiend x2

-Red Dragon Archfiend x2

-Queen Of Thorns

-Revived King Ha-des

-Stardust Dragon


If you think the deck is garbage, tell me. Or better yet, if you can help me. do so, Im thinking about getting gob zombie and maybe throwing in an il blud, solenms and an allure. I always loved my trap negation, but meh, if its better to change tell me.


But zombie decks may be dead in this format...... litterally.

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Sorry' date=' but this Deck just isn't good. FAIRY INJECTION LILY? Wtf?

Anyway, there are a lot of random cards in there (FAIRY INJECTION LILY?) and it needs a lot of work...



My deck used to have no theme, which was my fav part, i could add anything and not mess it up.

But the new format decks all seem to be themed. and well, i need help.


Thanks for the comment.

Well you got the lily right' date='


Seems okay, but it seems to actually lack zombies.



I always liked injection, its a card i think can be thrown in anywhere.

I was gonna add Goblin Zombie and Il Blud, but i dont find Gemini monsters apealing at all..... it seems the new banned list worked against me here.

less plague spreaders, mezuki and gob zombie.



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Zombies really are dead in this format. The new ban list hit everything but what it should have hit.


It decimated zombies entirely.

It all but took Rota away from warriors.


Glad beasts lost 2 copies of a spell destruction (ya that's really gonna slow them down Right)


and Tele dad lost 1 malicious and a couple of draw cards and got a new toy in the form of Chaos Sorcerer.


Lightsworns lost nothing.


So basically here is Konami's stance on Organized play if your deck is overpowered and decimating competition then you get to keep doing what you are doing. If your deck is just now starting to be able to compete against those overpowering decks you get it up the ass.


So in other words scrap any hopes of being able to play zombies anytime soon.

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So in other words scrap any hopes of being able to play zombies anytime soon.


-_-;........ Thanks for the honesty, so which deck do you suggest i make my main?


I have a psychic deck and a dark deck im trying to build i could focus on one of them, or should i try Lightsworn, sure ill pay up the ass, but it might be worth it.....


p.s. you got a free Jugement dragon you aint usin? ...T_T...

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I personally like budget pseudo meta decks. So I'd say Psychic especially since they have their own Solemn, Sakuretsu draining shield and Mirror force. None of which are limited so you can easily use that. They also have their own version of Call which also has the nice effect of making the monster a tuner.


They are essentially the new warriors.

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I personally like budget pseudo meta decks. So I'd say Psychic especially since they have their own Solemn' date=' Sakuretsu draining shield and Mirror force. None of which are limited so you can easily use that. They also have their own version of Call which also has the nice effect of making the monster a tuner.


They are essentially the new warriors.



K, sounds like we have a Wee-ner!

thanks. you shall be rewarded in back rub!

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"my body as a shield" is not a good card' date=' and you dont even have a common card for every zombie deck, "zombie world", if you had that, it would help a lot.



Dude my body as a shield is a great card. It's cost is a little pricy but the pay off of negating an effect which would destroy a monster(s) untill you get out your stardust or prime material is worth it. Is it the best card in existance, no. Does that make it a bad card, no.


As for the commons out of zombie world you only need about 6 cards out of that deck to make a good zombie deck the rest is trash.

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Monsters ( 18 ):


3x Ryu Kokki

3x Il Blud


3x Zombie Master

2x Mezuki

3x Pyramid Turtle

2x Goblin Zombie

1x Plaguespreader Zombie

1x Spirit Reaper


Spells ( 12 ):


2x Allure of Darkness

2x Burial from a Different Dimension

2x Zombie World

1x Lightning Vortex

1x Heavy Storm

3x Book of Life

1x Monster Reborn


Traps ( 10 ):


3x Solemn Judgment

2x Bottomless Traphole

2x Phoenix Wing Wind Blast

1x Torrential Tribute

1x Mirror Force

1x Crush Card Virus



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Monsters ( 18 ):


3x Ryu Kokki

3x Il Blud


3x Zombie Master

2x Mezuki

3x Pyramid Turtle

2x Goblin Zombie

1x Plaguespreader Zombie

1x Spirit Reaper


Spells ( 12 ):


2x Allure of Darkness

2x Burial from a Different Dimension

2x Zombie World

1x Lightning Vortex

1x Heavy Storm

3x Book of Life

1x Monster Reborn


Traps ( 10 ):


3x Solemn Judgment

2x Bottomless Traphole

2x Phoenix Wing Wind Blast

1x Torrential Tribute

1x Mirror Force

1x Crush Card Virus




Almost, Mezuki is down by 1, this banned list really ate at my deck.

but thanks, that looks semi decent now compared to before >.<

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Monsters ( 18 ):


3x Ryu Kokki

3x Il Blud


3x Zombie Master

1x Mezuki

3x Pyramid Turtle

2x Goblin Zombie

1x Sangan

1x Plaguespreader Zombie

1x Spirit Reaper


Spells ( 12 ):


2x Allure of Darkness

2x Burial from a Different Dimension

2x Zombie World

1x Lightning Vortex

1x Heavy Storm

3x Book of Life

1x Monster Reborn


Traps ( 10 ):


3x Solemn Judgment

2x Bottomless Traphole

2x Phoenix Wing Wind Blast

1x Torrential Tribute

1x Mirror Force

1x Crush Card Virus




Almost' date=' Mezuki is down by 1, this banned list really ate at my deck.

but thanks, that looks semi decent now compared to before >.<



=o I forgot Mezuki was at 1. =(



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