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Counter Cock Blocker


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so i says to myself:

tronta! what if you made a deck thats ONLY COUNTER TRAPS!

i decided it was a bad idea, since there wasnt a win condition...


a deck with 27 counter traps, artemis, van, and wave motion



heres my counter cock block mess:


3 van dalgyon

3 artemis



3 wave motion cannon

1 reborn



3 solemn

3 bribe

3 wrath

3 drastic dropoff

3 negate attack

3 forced back

3 black horn

3 magic drain

3 magic jammer

3 roar





side deck includes other things, like intercept, curse of royal, the selection, and other counter traps that didnt make the cut.



ideally, this deck is meant to 1-1, with an occasional -1 on my part. for every one card my opponent plays, i play one of my own stopping it. artemis helps me draw, and van gives me some field-rape. wave motion is my win condition.


this looks like fun!


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Wow, this is actually a pretty cool, albeit inconsistent concept.


Magic Drain > Magic Jammer, 'tho.




[3] Van Daly'gon the Dark Dragon Lord


[3] Bountiful Artemis

[3] Harvest Angel of Wisdom




[3] Wave Motion Cannon

[1] Monster Reborn


[27] TRAPS


[3] Solemn Judgment

[3] Dark Bribe

[3] Magic Drain

[3] Divine Wrath

[3] Drastic Drop Off

[3] Negate Attack

[3] Black Horn of Heaven

[3] Destruction Jammer / Forced Back

[2] Judgment of Anubis

[1] Torrential Tribute

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i dont like harvest.

and drain is only situationally better than jammer.

jammer you are at least guaranteed to stop a spell. drain your only guaranteed to kill one, which might not be the one you prefer.


i like judgment of anubis only slightly, it bothers me that he can only really chain to heavy or mst, so i may as well run drain AND jammer. i dont like my destruction jammer though, now that i think about it.

i might break that up in the main build into a mirror, a torrential, and something else.



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