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realistic booster packs


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hey guys, i used i template for this but 4got who it was from, so if this was your template, step up. but anyways, i only have on booster pack for now:




its a 20 card set that utilizes cards from 2002 that are still used today and are not banned. and here are the cards:


SVNP-EN001: Man-Eater Bug

SVNP-EN002: Exodia the Forbidden One

SVNP-EN003: Sangan

SVNP-EN004: Mask Of Darkness

SVNP-EN005: Relinquished

SVNP-EN006: Barrel Dragon

SVNP-EN008: Mystic Tomato

SVNP-EN009: Jinzo

SVNP-EN0010: Morphing Jar

SVNP-EN0011: Fissure

SVNP-EN0012: Monster Reborn

SVNP-EN0013: Heavy Storm

SVNP-EN0014: Black Illusion Ritual

SVNP-EN0015: Limiter Removal

SVNP-EN0016: Mirror Force

SVNP-EN0017: Mirror Wall

SVNP-EN0018: Ceasfire

SVNP-EN0019: Gravity Bind

SVNP-EN0020: Ultimate Offering



hope you liked it and theres more to come

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