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Yu Gi Oh! Role Play: The Dark Uprising!! |Ended| |Lock!|

Chaotic Angel

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"Yes it is. My slumber was disrupted when a dark energy was awaken. The Millenium Items that were sealed forever had to be returned. So it appeared in the basement. Kyohaku, Brandon, Nick, and Hikime posses a Millenium Item. The other 3, I will hide. As long as evil never possesses the 7 Millenium Items, you shall never rule the world."

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Agas laughed, "Oh Yugi!" Yugi walked into the room, he was in a trance, one that could not be broken, by anything, "Yes Mistress..." Yugi said lifelessly, Agas smiled and took out the god cards and showed them to Harokhty, "He also gave me these......"


They were glowing with dark energy, and also soul energy, they were unstoppable

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