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Contest 03 - Tehodis Birthday Contest - COMPLETED


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Oh look, another contest from me.


Your job is to create a Tehodis themed card for my Birthday.

(I had alot more typed up, but then I got the CPU Quota error. x.x)



1. You must create one effect monster card with "Tehodis" in it's name. You may also create any support cards you wish.

2. Your card(s) must be realistic

3. All cards must be in by October 4th, 6PM(tentatively) (Mountain Time)



1st Place: 3 Reps + 150 Points

2nd Place: 2 Reps + 125 Points

3rd Place: 1 Rep + 100 Points

Most Creative: 25 Points

Best Interpretation: 50 Points

Most Realistic: 75 Points


I judge on the following criteria;

Realism /300

Originality /250

Use of the Image /50

Total /600

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[align=center]Happy Birthday!!!

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Tehodis, happy birthday to you!


Anyhoo, here is my entry:




Sorry that it is only one card, I can't find anything else.


Even if by a miracle chance I do win, don't give me the prize, I didn't make this card for the prize.



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