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[DISC] Overdrive Teleporter [DISC]

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target 1: psichic comander

target 2: how many Level 3 non-Tuner psichics are out there?


I think its more like an "Emergency Teleport" substitute... don't really know what to predict, I've never actually seen someone play it.

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Should only be used in a Psychic deck. Even their this would only be half decent' date=' since it is a bit of a pain to summon.

[/quote']But with the recent limiting of E Tele it seems like a costly substitute instead of a costly fail.


Too bad it:

-requires to be Normal Summoned

-Costs Life Points

-Only activates on your turn

-Both Psychic-Type monsters have to be exactly Level 3

-Doesn't have that much ATK

-It's not nearly as splashable as "Emergency Teleport"


but I guess it can work in a Psychic Deck

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This card cannot be Special Summoned. YOnce per turn, you can pay 2000 Life Points to Special Summon 2 Level 3 or lower Psychic-Type monsters from your Deck. This effect can only be used once while this card is face-up on the field.


That fuckin' much.

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Yeesh' date=' I guess it isn't that good at all...

And a $40 card...



looks like someone found a use for it, and I have to say, the life point cost is not that bad, you can neg it with charging cell, and 2000 in a psy deck isn't that much actually. these cards are all about big loss and big gain in life points.

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