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Assault of the Dream Sprites!


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Dream Sprite - Graceful Empathy

Light/Level 3


"Once per turn, when your opponent attacks, you can change the attack target to this card and gain Life Points equal to half the ATK of the attacking monster. If the monsters ATK was over 2000, draw 1 card."

ATK 1200/ DEF 800


Dream Sprite - Joyful Wonders

Light/Level 3


"Once per turn, when your opponent attacks, you can change the attack target to this card and gain Life Points equal to half the ATK of the attacking monster. When this Attack Position card is attacked, you can discard 1 card to negate the attack. By Releasing this card, you can destroy 1 card on your opponent's side of the field."

ATK 1000/ DEF 1000


Dream Sprite - Passionite Bloom

Light/Level 3


"When this card is Summoned, you can Special Summon 1 Level 3 or lower Plant-Type monster from your hand or Deck. By discarding 1 card, gain Life Points equal to the Special Summoned monsters ATK. When this card is removed from the field, destroy the monster Special Summoned this way."

ATK 0/ DEF 0


Dream Sprite - Blast Healing

Light/ Level 2


"Each time your Life Points increase by a monster effect, increase your opponent's Life Points by the same amount. For every 1000 Life Points increaseased, destroy 1 monster your opponent controls."

ATK 800/ DEF 800


Dream Spirte - Mother Nature

Light/Level 7


"Dream Sprite - Graceful Empathy" + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

When Life Points are higher than your opponent's Life Points, Plant-Type monsters on your side of the field cannot be destroyed by the effects of Spell, Trap or monster card effects. You can pay 1500 Life Points to Special Summon 2 Level 3 Plant-Type monsters from your Deck in face-up Defense Position. When this card destroyes a monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard, increase your Life Points equal to the destroyes monsters ATK.

ATK 2500/ DEF 1800


Will add more cards soon.


Comments/rates/whatever you feel like.


[spoiler=Should have added this before...]I got this idea from a thread that I made a while back. Credit does go to Nitton, Rinne and Darth Browarod. I just based the effects on some of the cards that I saw there.


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