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I know how to get points and everything but i was just asking why new members start off woth only one point i think they should start off with 10 points so they can get straight in to the shop industrie and also the card counter saying how many card you have made is a great idea. And if you read this and own a shop tell me and i might take a look at your wares.

[spoiler=???][spoiler=you getting bored yet][spoiler=Ok you must be bored by now][spoiler=ok you win click here for a surprize]send me the words magicman and ill give u 1 point





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Do you know of any good contest a new person like me would do any good in? it would be a big help also TY for the points i sent u +1 Rep.


I suggest something judged by n00bs.

something more towards the aspect of joke cards, or whatever, instead of harder contests with huge prizes.

Just post, enter FREE contests, that will save you points to, and try hard in card making.

GFX-Making will help you too.

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