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Frog Deck


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Tribute monsters- 3


Des Frog x3


Non-tribute- 17


T.A.D.P.O.L.E. x3

Beelze Frog x2

Poison Draw Frog x1

Mother Grizzly x3

Submarineroid x1

Gora Turtle x1

Amphibious Bugroth MK-3 x1

Raging Eria x1

Nightmare Penguin x1

Aqua Madoor x2

Gagagigo x1


Spells- 11


Des Croaking x3

Polymerization x1

A Legendary Ocean x1

Big Wave Small Wave x1

Card Destruction x1

Mystical Space Typhoon x1

Salvage x1

Giant Trunade x1

Monster Reincarnation x1


Traps- 9


Gravity Bind x1

Dust Tornado x1

Ultimate Offering x1

Interdimensional Matter Transporter x1

Enchanted Javelin x1

Compulsory Evacuation Devise x1

Xing Zhen Hu x1

Magic Drain x1

Spiritual Water Art - Aoi x1


Fusion deck- 1


D.3.S. Frog x1


# of cards- 41 (counting fusions)


surprisingly enough, this deck has done fairly well at school. I know that there are cards that are probably slowing the deck down but the deck has worked pretty well. So rate and add suggstions if you want. Now if only I had a treeborn frog... Its been a pretty fun deck so far and thats all that matters to me ^_^

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