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TNA Impact


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This is an amazing imitation of an ACTUAL fight. You never use grapple moves like chokeslam in a fight. NEVER. The game is generally fast and a lot of fun at first but get boring gradually. This game has potential to be a great hit in the future and you should stop sucking mainstream balls and realise that.

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wut..?? did u just say i was sucking balls..?? tch tch you can't have a decent debate about something without insulting...


Why do they make 1 of the powerhouses main grapples a chokeslam then..??


And actually i don't like smackdown vs raw either if thats what u mean, and i also never said this didn't have potential to be good, well the game its self didn't some aspects where ok with it but the actual idea of a tna game and such, things like six sides of steel should be introduced, king of the mountain e.t.c, a better selection of matches and a good story mode thats what the game needs instead of the same old wwe game only with different wrestlers or the sort..

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Yes because the first WWE game kicked serious ass right?


Get real, games like this are tricky and they should have some bad games eventually but in all honesty the combat they have is very promising and TNAish. Also just because a chokeslam is used in WWE doesn't mean you can use it in an ACTUAL fight and I repeat ACTUAL fight. ACTUAL get it.

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Whoa i must have hit a nerve you are not in a good mood..


Yes i no that they are hard to get right, i no this is there 1st try at tna game, but big but its not midway's 1st try at a wrestling game, therefore i feel the game should have been better. And by the way i wasn't referring to wwe game when i said chokeslam, a few of the tna superstars use it as 1 of main grapples in the game, and wtf u on bout actual fight its a computer game.. therefore not real so not actual fight..

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U really don't have an open mind to others opinions your just to high and mighty aren't you, i suggest you take your head out of your own ass, and listen to others for a change and by the way i made this thread so so what do u mean b4 coming here.? best thing for you would be stay out this thread then wouldn't it its not that hard. bye

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Ladies, ladies.


I actually liked the match mechanics. It felt more realistic and real-time than SVR, considering most moves were performed fluently without jumping a single frame; in SVR, even if you turn off the cinematic perspectives and fight with a still camera, it's impossible to ignore that some moves from standing or ground positions just don't look fluent or compatible with whatever position the wrestlers were in just prior to starting the grapple. In TNA Impact, everything moves the way it should.


That said, it's a terribly limited game in dozens of aspects, which makes the fun last very little. A distinct lack of options, moves and, on that note, of fidelity to TNA perfomers' real-life movesets makes the game feel much too green. Perhaps in two or three years they'll be a serious contender for the SVR series, but as it stands, "mada mada dane".

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That was your point, i made mine in which i never talked about the flow of the gameplay, i clearly said i taught moveset sucked,story mode sucked and they didn't have enough options for matches, but u couldn't see that you just verbally launched an assault at me cos i had a different opinion then your 1, but had nothing in common with yours..


So why not just keep your opinion to yourself next time hey, anyway blackwind at least your mature about it, yes there game mechanics were more realistic then any other wrestling game but where they made up for that they lacked in other areas..

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