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Multiverse Time Quest


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Thousands of years into the future, the universe is split into six sections. Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Light, and Dark. You are a hero destined to save the Multiverse by going back in time and stopping the split. But, there isn't much time left. Go now heros of the Multiverse! Fulfill your destiny!

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Here is a diagram of the card you make for your character

Name: characters name

Monstrer/ Normal

Attribute: Don't put divine

Level: 1

Type: Warrior/Archer/Mage/Theif/Ninja

Text Box: A Short description of the heros backround

ATK/DEF: Dont Fill


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A super massive man that was made that way by putting the Terror Mask on and it slowly mutated him into a killing machine.he prefers hand-to-hand combat but will use (only if he is forced to) makeshift weapons like tree branches and wooden planks.even though he has enough stanima and the energy to out race a cheeta he dose have to get his hands dirty and when that happens you can garentee that he will be wounded but the Terror Mask wont let it pawn die so easly so it heals him when he has a chance to rest.

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