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Would you...?

Careless Whisper

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Inb this game, the person who posts before you is given two options on what event you can do with them. You must pick one and then supply the next person to post 2 options on what they would like to do with you. It's really simple but here's an example.



Person A: Would you : (A) Rock out with me in a concert? or (B) Watch a movie with me?


Person B: (B)' date=' because I love you!


Person B: WOuld you : (A) Kiss me? or (B) Shoot me with a gun?


Person C: (B), because I don't role that way, dude.







See? Simple.





Would you : (A) Travel do a distant planet with me? or (B) Fight alien monsters with me?

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B Then i'd sell them all for 5 times the price and buy me a DaD and every card and start all over again with $300 profit, a DaD and every common card in the game

would you A) Go out with me (sorry Amy!) or B) Become kirby, gain morphing abilities, suck up Michael Jackson and press \/ and never get attacked for the rest of your life

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A), it'd be a change from being tortured slowly until the only thing you can comprehend is eternal, lasting pain.


Would you? A) Become「ßℓØØDℓܧT」or B) Become YCMaker only to realise your over 100, have forgotten your password, and are constantly subjected to excrutiating pain.

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