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Honest is magic cylnder but the attacking monster dies

----mc is limited but honest is 3

Honest would not be as broken if it could be used by others than light

----Player1 Goblin attack his marshmellon in attack mode

----Player2 honest

----Player1 funk


now if honest was not just limited to light, player 1 could counter with his honest


he is spell speed honest and

thus is broken

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why on gods green earth would you EVER attack a marshmallon in attack mode? its OBVIOUSLY A TRAP.

thats retarded.

and no, honest would be broken as sheet if other attributes could use it. then it really would be limited, or banned. the light stipulation is just about the only balancing factor. in order to use it effectively or at all, it has to be in a deck thats almost all light.

and a lot of things can counter honest.

you can respond with shrink, or any spell speed 2 that deals with attack and defense alteration. or any spell speed 3.

especially divine wrath.


hell, you could even hit it with reverse trap.


and thats only if they activate it during the damage step. if theyre stupid enough not to specify, you can hit it with anything.



cylinder works on any attack, any time, and not only inflicts burn, but negates the attack.

i dont see how its a cylinder at all. its just like chaining a really big rush recklessly to an attack.

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