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lock!!!part 2 comin

D. Gray Man

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Weapon: 1 light 1 meduim}sword' date='shot gun


Bio:he likes to fight and is very confident.he likes any friends he can find. his parents are very ashamed of him because he accedintly murderd 2 people on his 14 b-day and now they abondoned him.



Kaden wakes up in the aid and sees people working on him....He yells "HELP!"Then he sees the door close and he looks at his hand and there metal and see s his chest it has amedal plate on it....and his legs and his face...the doctors get out of the room and he gets up.."Wat happen to me?"

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something all of a sudden pounds on rjourys door...


Kaden gets up from the seat and sees the docotors and sees buttons on himself...he touches one and all of a sudden machin,sniper,shotgun come out..."Wat the..did yall make me into a super soilder..."

The scientist says "Yes..ur one of are new succesful creations.....u can destroy the zombies.....we figured we coudl create something to destroy it...."

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OOC:You have to be bit on the neck


The zombie comes at him more and slams him agaist the wall then bites him in the face then all of a sudden more zombies start comin in and tackling him down


Kaden presses another button and it comes out with a overmask over him and a oxyzen tank"Cool..."Then he presses another button and music comes on..."I love this suit..."Then he presses another button and a camrea comes out...

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a zombie al of a sudden grows larger and fatter and grabs a vehicle and throws it at rjoury...


Kaden says "Can i drive a car more easyeir?"

The scietist say"The gps does that mke u convert in a car and better driving and more awareness..."

Kaden says "ok sweet..."He goes out of the door with his shotgun and grabs a random car and drives off to back where he was..

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OOC: ok wat so far happend is that i have a new suit that carrys machine gun,sniper,and my knfie and a shotgun with a gps and im at lab north of where u are...so get to a car and see wat happend


Kaden opens the sliding the door and sees zombies approaching the lab he yells"All scientist stay in!"He sees more and more comin from hills

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Kaden sees him suit and sees a thigny u put over your head to talk back and forth...ill give this to mark.....He puts it back and sees zombie heading toward him he takes out his machine gun and shoots them everywhere killing them he jumps up and stabs more then relasizes there goin into the base

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Mark is going way over the speed limit towards the lab, and sees a cluster of zombies just outside of it. He puts on his E-Brake and does a 90 degree drift and stops. Mark gets out of the car and ducks behind the hood of the car and takes out his shotgun and looks over the top. He starts shooting some of the zombies and yells, "See you in hell!!!"

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