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spellcaster village, any suggestions would be helpful.

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in the current form, it seems to suck for a little, and then expodes into a swarm, and/or pulls out arcanite or tempest and wins the game right there.


I want to skip the suckage part, because that still lets lightsworn kill me.




monsters: 17

1 the tricky

2 toon gemini elf

1 breaker

3 kycoo

3 magical exemplar

3 apprentice magician

2 night's end sorcerer

2 crystal seer


spells: 21

3 toon table of contents

2 arcane barrier ( sneak preview)

1 foolish burial

1 pot of avarice

3 secret village

2 terraforming

1 monster reborn

1 burden of the mighty

1 lighting vortex

2 book of moon

2 shrink

1 mst

1 giant trunade


traps: 2

1 T.T.

1 trap dustshoot


extra deck: 4

arcanite magician (level 7)

tempest magician (level 6)

Goyo (6)

black rose (7)


side deck.

magical dimension X 3

royal magical library X 2


magical marionette X 2

old vindictive magician


dark red enchanter

night's end sorcerer

the tricky X 2

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As an odd idea' date=' Magical Marionette maybe?

(somewaht forgot how to spell his name)



I know him, one of my fav. cards, he is in my side, as the fact that kill effects don't care about level means he could be taken out just as easily as a kycoo, so I don't want in him main, that could kill me.


I'm posting all the parts now, I think it might help.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I saw Tricky' date=' and then I almost puked up my breakfast; I'd rather not be bulimic, thank you.


Your monster line up mostly sucks.


Max Night's End Sorcerer and Foolish Burial to start.



the tricky is for arcanite, how else am I going to easy summon a level 5 spellcaster? and on the night's end, I have apprentice to grab him, and foolish has not been helping me as much as I would like, so it got kicked down to 1. I might just remove it completely.

no magician's circle? magical marionette and magical dimension in your side deck? those are the essentials of a spellcaster. its basically a field destruction with spell counters.


Arcanite does the job better at the moment, and I know how to use a spellcaster deck, it is currently in village style, where I need to be able to summon a spellcaster at almost any time. tributes that I can't sp. summon without help do not help at the moment, and dimension eats up my hand too fast, leaving me defenseless.

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Monsters : 18

1 Chaos Sorcerer

3 Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer

3 Magical Exemplar

3 Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress

1 Breaker the Magical Warrior

1 Night's End Sorcerer

1 Frequency Magician

1 Old Vindictive Magician

2 Apprentice Magician

2 Crystal Seer


Spells : 15

3 Secret Village of the Spellcasters

2 Allure of Darkness

2 Terraforming

2 Magical Dimension

2 Book of Moon

1 Foolish Burial

1 Monster Reborn

1 Brain Control

1 Lightning Vortex


Traps : 08

1 Mirror Force

1 Crush Card Virus

1 Trap Dustshoot

2 Mind Crush

3 Solemn Judgement


Extra Deck : 15

1 red dragon archfiend

2 colossal fighter

1 thought ruler archfiend

1 avenging knight parshath

2 stardust dragon

1 dark dive bomber

1 arcanite magician

1 black rose dragon

1 goyo guardian

1 tempest magician

2 magical android

1 chimeratech fortress dragon


This should solve your problem vs lightsworn. Magical dimension and book of moon are very good against them since it stops them from playing honest. You can also combo magical dimension with crystal seer. Crush card usually is enough alone to deal with LS but beckoning light can be a poblem. Mind crush is very good because of this, it also stops monster reincarnation and you can easily call honest when they have it. I prefer mirror force here since you don't lose your monster, this is very important with village and the village itself protects mirror force from threats like heavy storm and mystical space typhoon. You also have solemn for even more control over your oppoent's card. I haven't included dark red enchanter since your opponent is often left with dead spell card in his hand and that makes dark red enchanter's effect useless most of the time.

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Monsters : 18

1 Chaos Sorcerer

3 Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer

3 Magical Exemplar

3 Lyla' date=' Lightsworn Sorceress

1 Breaker the Magical Warrior

1 Night's End Sorcerer

1 Frequency Magician

1 Old Vindictive Magician

2 Apprentice Magician

2 Crystal Seer


Spells : 15

3 Secret Village of the Spellcasters

2 Allure of Darkness

2 Terraforming

2 Magical Dimension

2 Book of Moon

1 Foolish Burial

1 Monster Reborn

1 Brain Control

1 Lightning Vortex


Traps : 08

1 Mirror Force

1 Crush Card Virus

1 Trap Dustshoot

2 Mind Crush

3 Solemn Judgement


Extra Deck : 15

1 red dragon archfiend

2 colossal fighter

1 thought ruler archfiend

1 avenging knight parshath

2 stardust dragon

1 dark dive bomber

1 arcanite magician

1 black rose dragon

1 goyo guardian

1 tempest magician

2 magical android

1 chimeratech fortress dragon


This should solve your problem vs lightsworn. Magical dimension and book of moon are very good against them since it stops them from playing honest. You can also combo magical dimension with crystal seer. Crush card usually is enough alone to deal with LS but beckoning light can be a poblem. Mind crush is very good because of this, it also stops monster reincarnation and you can easily call honest when they have it. I prefer mirror force here since you don't lose your monster, this is very important with village and the village itself protects mirror force from threats like heavy storm and mystical space typhoon. You also have solemn for even more control over your oppoent's card. I haven't included dark red enchanter since your opponent is often left with dead spell card in his hand and that makes dark red enchanter's effect useless most of the time.



not bad, but I'm not spending 200+ dollars for cards like crush.

I'll remember it though for online stuff. however, you haven't remember the new spellcaster draw card; arcane power. it works really well in this style deck. I tryed it at three just to test it, (I would suggest 2.) it had left me with a 10 card hand at one time, I just couldn't belive it, but there it was. I did win that turn.

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