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[DISC] arcane barrier: shootting yourself in the foot for a tank.

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Each time a Spellcaster-Type monster(s) is destroyed, place 1 Spell Counter on this card (max. 4). By sending this card and 1 face-up Spellcaster-Type monster you control to the Graveyard, draw a number of cards equal to the number of Spell Counters that are on this card.



apprentice magician + arcane barrier= something that shouldn't work, but does.



I played this in my village deck, and I pulled off play this, summon apprentice, add counter to it, get it killed, search for seer, flip seer on my turn, and then tribute it for a 2 card draw at least 5 times in 7 duels.


people don't waste kill power on it, and then suddenly I get a +1.


discuss how this card bad-ness actually makes it better.


it's funny really.

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Why you have tribute a Spellcaster-Type, is beyond me.

I guess because a +3 is overkill, And they had to make it a +2? LOLWUT?


Although, Wc08... Thanks to Konami's oh-so geneious programming skillz, Gladiator Beast Respite is a freakin free +2



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this card is good' date=' its not bad :P



I'm leaving myself wide open for an attack, how is that good?


still, it works better than I expected.


-its because Spell Counters can be put in there by other card effects to make it faster.

-I tested this card in my spell counter deck (mixed JP with English cards) and I never bother using this with less than 3 counters, which takes 2 turns at most to get.

-you usually loose 1 (lets say, apprentice magician) for drawing 3 to 4 cards... I have to say Konami is trying to make this card look like it has a disadvantage by making us think the reasons you are proposing to us. but this card is good and it seems like everyone noticed ;) .. but I would only run 1 in my deck. I tried with 2 and I draw both half the time togheter, 1 is great, 2 is dead draw... :)

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Actually' date='Common.



no, it's a normal rare, which means you can find it easy enough.


I run two myself, since I have tempest and arcanite as well, these counters are a good way to sub for magical city until it comes out. plus, I can get rid of it to draw.


and just to say, it counts any spellcasters destroyed, not just in battle, and not just yours, so lightsworn spellcasters you kill can charge this thing up as well.

it was funny really, he summoned up 3 lumina and wulf, and I T.T. while this is on the field. fully charged, I used it to draw 4 next turn.


his only response was "dude, that's not right."

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