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Banjo-Halfoie (Rated PG-13) EDIT IN FIRST POST

Mew 101

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Hello, and welcome to my fan-fic, which tells the story of how Banjo and Kazooie met. And playing himself and our lovely narrator, *breaths in* Bottles, the short sighted mole with his "big-enough-to-have-there-own-gravitational-pull" sized goggles! *gasps for air, then passes out*


Bottles: Ha ha ha very funny!


(For anyone who doesn't get the joke, Bottles is a short sighted mole with eye goggles big enough to scare King Kong)


Chapter 1


Bottles: It was a peaceful day in Spiral Mountain, if you could drown out the noise from the construction near the east. Banjo was taking a nap near the waterfall, his back pack so far over his head, it looked almost like a hat, trying hard to block the sun from reaching Banjo's shut eyes.


He woke up to a large, red flurry of blur. Suddenly, he realized it was a bird.


Banjo: Watch it, egg breath!


Banjo said, rather mad he had been so rudely awaken. But before he could find the bird, it was gone.






Sorry if this is short, but most of my chapters are short to give readers a taste of the story.


I have finialy decided that theres only one way for me to keep my self on YCM...responcibility. So, it's my responcibility to finish this Fan-Fiction


EDIT: I for got to mention, I'm only posting Updates once a week

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