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Mike2084's Card Reviews

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So many of these have been made but I feel comfortable enough to make my own. Each day I will TRY to post a card review, I do not garantee it though. So enjoy!:


Review #1


Name: Chthonian Emperor Dragon

Type: Dragon/Gemini

Level (stars): 6

Attribute: Fire

Stats: 2400/1500

Effect: This card is treated as a Normal Monster while face-up on the field or in the Graveyard. While this card is face-up on the field, you can Normal Summon it to have it be treated as an Effect Monster with this effect:

● This card can attack twice during the same Battle Phase.

Note: Gemini monsters are a unique set of monsters that allow you to Secound Summon them by giving up your Normal Summon for the turn. Unless effected by another card such as Double Summon or Ultimate Offering.


Overall a good card. Like all of the Geminis however it can sometimes be hard to Secound Summon it. But with some pretty nice stats at 2400/1500 for 1 tribute it can go head to head with a Jinzo. I would definatly reccomend this card for a Gemini or Dragon deck. Otherwise its a waste of space. Its effect allows you (after Secound Summoning it) to attack twice in the same Battle Phase. This is the same effect as Cyber Twin Dragon and it is much better but still this card is very deadly


Up sides: Can go great with Gemini or Dragon decks. High attack, can attack twice in same Battle Phase. But it is a nice collectors item.


Down Sides: Just doesn't make the cut. Like most Geminis Secound Summoning can be a pain and is usually not worth it since you can get the same effect with a 2800 attacker in 1 turn (Cyber Twin Dragon).


I would not reccomend this card for a deck not specializing in Secound Summoning or Dragon decks that can get it out easily.


All Gemini Monster Rulings!



Review #2


Name: Ceasefire

Normal Trap Card

Effect: Flip all face-down Defense Position monsters on the field face-up. Flip Effects are not activated at this time. Inflict 500 damage to your opponent for each Effect Monster on the field.


Overall, an extremely annoying card. Espicially if your Opponent has that Spear Cretin or Jar monster face-down. And it deals burn damage as well! Splashable into any deck I see it as a staple. Sasuke Samurai attacking your face-down? No worries just flip this puppy to stop Sasuke Samurai (if your defense is higher than his attack) and if yours was a effect monster thats 1000 damage, excluding other monsters.


Up sides: Splashable, burner, stops Flippers such as Jars, and is kind of easy to obtain. Spear Cretin annoying you in your Opponents deck? Side one of these and stop em next duel.


Down sides: Not really that much of a downside but it is easily negated like any other Trap or chained for that matter. Your Opponent could also have that Desert Sunlight floating about which makes his/her monsters flip effect activate!


Very nice card. Staple, deals damage, and is just all around great!


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