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Announcement: Basherbelding11 Banned


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Hello everyone,

This thread is a courtesy to explain why basherbelding11 has received a two week ban. As some of you may remember, there have been certain incidents in the past where the PM system has been used to send inappropriate content to other members. In the past, strong bans have been enforced even if the it was a first, and more to the point, out-of-charecter event. This case is no different, as basherbelding11 sent a link to a pornographic image to another member, claiming in the PM it was in 'good faith'.


I have seen the PM, it was screenshot by the victim, who at this time I have chosen not to name, as they may wish to remain anonymous, but they can come forward should they choose to. Let this be a note to all, PMs you send will not remain private if the content it inappropriate or offensive and the receiver reports it to me, and swift bans will be handed down without hesitation, the severity depending on the contents of the PM itself - Joke or not, this type of behaviour is wrong, and therfore strictly prohibited.

Thank you for your attention.

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i dont see basher banned i tought if you were banned youll have a cross over your name or somtin


Why doesn't his name have that line tought it' date=' and has this happened before, because I think it has


Oh yeah.


I also thought so. Frunk?

only Permanently banned members have a strike through on their name.

They do? because Jack Witt has a line and he isn't Permanently banned (But its for like 4 weeks). Maybe it was changed?


O well it doesn't really matter


Only members banned for 1 month or more have a 'line' through their name.

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do you announce every time someone gets suspended or banned? not trying to be smart or anything...i just wanted to know. :)

The only reason I post threads like this (by that I mean the announcement of high-profile members getting banned)' date=' is so that I don't have to explain myself again and again.


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do you announce every time someone gets suspended or banned? not trying to be smart or anything...i just wanted to know. :)
The only reason I post threads like this (by that I mean the announcement of high-profile members getting banned)' date=' is so that I don't have to explain myself again and again.[/quote']


oh...sorry...missed that...thanks. :D

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