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And the shoe finally drops. :'D


I really liked this chapter, thought. Maybe it's because the comedy doesn't seem terribly our of place and that we get to see Isshin and Ikumi again.


EDIT: Interesting point I just realized, but Masaki's maiden name was Kurosaki. So what's Isshin hiding in this regard...?

Calling it again, Aizen is Ichigo's uncle and Isshin is his brother.


I said this half-jokingly ages ago, I'll say it again.

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Naruto took his mother's name, and while he's not the main character, Ace took his mother's name as well. Is there a thing about main characters taking their mother's name because of how important the father is?

...might as well become its own trope at this point >.>


Aizen being related to Ichigo makes sense. Isshin's buddies with Urahara, who was exiled from Soul Society because of Aizen, so it's possible Isshin suffered a similar fate and had to go incognito.

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Hmm...it was surprising to me. Only question is what was his relationship?


I'm glad we're finally getting some backstory on him, though - it's long past overdue...



I was a little surprised but something in the back of my mind is trying to connect this new info with something we learned a long time ago. I just can't figure out what it is.



And agree, and this actually seems interesting, so yay.

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Why does him being related to the Shiba sound like a missing piece of info from something we were told long ago?

Ichigo Kurosaki looked a lot like Kaien Shiba who is likely related to Isshin Shiba as a member of the same family. That also means that Ichigo is related to Kaien, Ganju, and Kukaku. It also means, that since Isshin was the family Head of the Shiba family, Ichigo is like a lost heir or something.

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...I feel like that should have been obvious since Isshin and Ganju look alike, plus last week's reveal of taking Kurosaki as a name could open the possibility of Isshin being related to Kaien.

And of course Aizen's involved.

The bit with Toshiro made me laugh considering how things turned out, so I'd say decent chapter this time around.

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Now everyone can ship Matsumoto/Isshin. And I kinda hate myself for not picking up on the Shiba thing earlier, but I don't because I still think it's a bit ridiculous.


EDIT: Could Kubo be hinting now that Isshin's a Vizard too? Rushing off to Karakura Town at the same time as Aizen's "experiments" doesn't bode well...


EDIT 2: Courtesy of TvTropes:

Foreshadowing: Isshin once lamented how it's rare for Ryuken to call him "Kurosaki." When he married Masaki, Isshin discarded his last name, Shiba, and took on his wife's family name.

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It's not that ridiculous, is it?

I mean, they all behave alike, look alike, plus it also ties in with Urahara's relationship with Isshin with Kyoraku.


You think so? The personality thing I can kinda see - Isshin has Kukaku's vitriol - but tbqh I didn't see physical resemblance at all until the flashback. Plus, Isshin's name breaks the Shiba sibling naming pattern.

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