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Final Fantasy 7!


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Hey all, anyone heard of final fantasy 7? well if u havnt, its an awsome game. Anyone agree? well then, lets convert it to YU-Gi-OH!

anyone who wants to compete must follow these rules



Each card must relate to each other

You may create as many cards as you want

You must have a Cloud, and Sephiroth card

You may include the kingdom hearts Cloud and Sephiroth as well

You may overpower the cards which will seem most acceptable



1st place-3 rep

2nd place-2 rep

3rd place-1 rep



the contest wil end on october 4th


oh and btw, anyone want final fantasy 7 to be remade into the ps3? go here and sign the petition, theres over 20,000 people who signed it already, including me-http://www.petitiononline.com/ff7remke/petition.html

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Reserved my entry


Ok here are mine.








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