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Caliginostic Plague: The Begining (A Horror RP) [Started, but Still graciously accepting by PM!]


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Joseph was already about a mile away inside his house when Kaden yelled. Joseph looked at Chester, "So, whatever happened to your parents, why aren't they here taking care of you?" Joseph didn't know whether they were infected or not, or if they just didn't have parents.

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Kaden all of a sudden feels the taste for meat...and he grows sharp teeth and cant remember anything and his back heals and bops and his skin falls off all the way and he sees everything as a enemy..Kaden yells "YAWRRRR!!!"And he comes out the sewers and head towards the firestation for food

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Joseph looked at Chester and nodded. "After this goes by, if your parents are...gone, there will be plenty of room in my house and you will be welcome to stay with me," Joseph looked out the back window. All them were good kids, and they would be welcome into his house any time.

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"Our day... of death is... upon us, Joseph... we shall not... be staying here... after this is done... we'll be with... the spirits," Bonz said, taking deep long breaths. Chainz nodded. "The spirits foretold it... atleast... that's what Bonz keeps saying," he said.

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Ooc: Read the new rules, you have to include an in character post with your OOC post.


Joseph looked at Kyle suspiciously,"That's a large coincidence that one second you're being held up by infected and then the next you're in this house," Joseph put his hand on his pistol.

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"Well... Chainz is a mind reader, and Bonz is a voodoo expert. He prays alot, puts his faith with the spirits, uses voodoo and magic to beat other... and stuff like that... the spirits say that his time of death is upon him," Axle explained.

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