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Caliginostic Plague: The Begining (A Horror RP) [Started, but Still graciously accepting by PM!]


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"No... I'm ok... it's just... Scorpus..." Axle muttered. Suddenly, a man entered the room with a smirk, though you couldn't see it from underneathe the mask that covered his lips. "Axle... so good of you to join as again," the man said, chuckling slighlty. One of the man's arm was mechanical, and he had a weird, mechanical scorpion tail comming the back of his waist, seeming to be attatched to his spine.

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Joseph took a walk around. "We need to stop the others," Joseph got his assistants to give him a new hazmat suit which doubled as body armor. They gave him a new flamer/gaser, another pistol, and another comm pack. Joseph spat a spark out of the flamer, "Let's kill some zombies, if I die, they're going with me."

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"What bugsy outfit? I wear this mask because of damage done to the bottom half of my face... my arm has been cut off, so it's mechanical... and part of my spine has been destroyed... so, I replaced it with a mechanical scorpion tail... oh... and... here's a gift for you," Scorpas said with a smirk as scorpions crawled out from Scorpas' sleeves and crawled onto Chester.

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Joseph slammed on the petal as everyone inside of the car got in. "We need to get back to that old warehouse, my assistants have analyzed it via satelite and have said there is a small opening in the back leading to a lower level, that might be where that Terra guy came from."

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"Chester Bradforth, the teen with way too many problems on his hands at the moment to deal with......" Chester muttered, looking to his sister, who was still asleep.

"She's been infected....." he said with a sigh.

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