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Yugioh Ultima acadamy part 2!!! ~Ended~ Mods Plz delete if violation thanks to part three


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"First I activate Card Destruction. Now we discard our entire hands and draw the same number of cards. My Herald of Bounty's effect activates, meaning I can draw one card. Next I play my Trap Booster. By discarding one card from my hand, I can activate a trap card from my hand."




"I choose my Disgraceful Charity. This means we can retrieve all the cards that we have discarded this turn."




"Which means I have 12 cards in my hand and you have 4. Now I activate Foolish Burial, I send my Wulf, Lightsworn Beast from my deck to the grave. This activates his special ability, allowing me to summon him. Now I summon Plaguespreader Zombie. I tune my Plaguespreader Zombie to Wulf to synchro summon Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Boundary. I activate his ability, by sending 4 cards to the grave, I can return all the cards on your field to your hand. My Heralds abilities activate meaning I draw two cards. Now Brionac attack!"

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"Since I have 8 in my hand, I must discard two cards. Now I'll draw." She drew. "One of the cards I had discarded was Chained Weakling Ghoul. Since I discarded him, I can Special Summon him to my field in defence mode."




"Now I will Summon Chained Weakling Ruby back to the field, along with Protection of the Weak. Next I'll set a card and end my turn. Your move Aaron!"

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OoC: The discard rule doesn't apply at the beginning of the turn but there's no point in changing it now.


"I activate Brionac's ability. I discard four cards; Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior, Jain, Lightsworn Paladin, Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress and Plaguespreader Zombie to return all your cards to your hand. Four Lightsworn warriors in my graveyard allows me to special summon Judgment Dragon. Now I activate Monster Reborn to summon Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior. Now attack my monsters!

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"My go. Now I activate Graceful Charity. Next I play Card Destruction." She placed her hand into her graveyard and drew eight new cards, laughing as she saw them. "Now here's a thing for you. First I activate Heavy Storm. Now I'll play Chained Weakling Sacrificer."




"Before I reveal which card I'm going to use him for, let me ask you something. What do the colours red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet make? A rainbow. And it just so happened I had discarded them all through various means. And now I can Special Summon Chained Weakling Rainbow King!"




"Next I'll play Lightning Vortex. By discarding one card from my hand I can destroy all monsters on your side of the field. And I chose to discard another Chained Weakling Ghoul. Since I discarded Ghoul I can return him to the field in defence mode. Now I play field spell Zone of the Weaklings."




"Not so weak anymore are they? Rainbow King, attack Aaron directly!"

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"Sorry but by destroying Rainbow King and my Ghoul, you've allowed me to Special Summon 3 Chained Weaklings. Now I'll Special Summon out Chained Weakling Egeria in defence!"




"Next it'll be Chained Weakling Defender in defence!"




"And finally, Chained Weakling Arial also in defence!"




"Now let's see how you manage, especially since Arial cannot be destroyed on this turn."

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