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Yugioh Ultima acadamy part 2!!! ~Ended~ Mods Plz delete if violation thanks to part three


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[[Oh, didn't notice. :P my bad.]]


"Gah! Now to finish this...I Get rid of 3 EARTH monsters in my deck to summon this...."


"Now I get rid of 3 more Earth Monsters and remove them all from play for this!"



"I equip the Sacrifice of heart spell to make my Death serpent have 4200 ATK. ATTACK!"


The mighty bone serpent attacked. "Now, Quetzalcoatl, Attack!"

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--alright, at the start of my turn i used Heavy Storm, even if you activate before that, you would have only drained Red Eyes, your serpent would have 3500, then i summoned Darkness and used my spell, that's a total of 5 dragons for 3900, i still would destory your serpent, but the damage would be less, is that what you were trying to do?

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(...can't...need to warn the others...must get up...) (Suddenly, Icicle Bear Cub swipes Koga with his paw, and he jumps bolt upright. Full of energy, Koga turns towards his duel spirits and they return back to his deck.) "I think there's something strange going on here; something to do with the Shadow Games. Miya and AJ are both going to have some explaning to do..."

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[[No, I summoned these two after that turn. You destroyed my previous card, yes. This is after your turn ended, as I DID take the damage from your turn. These two were summoned via their effects after you did that with your dragon, and Sacrifice of heart makes my dragon's 4200, destroying your Red-eyes. Then Quetzalcoatl attacked directly, deal 3600.]]

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--i'm sry, i got the post, my computer skipped it, and i didn't get it for a bit, and i only have a half hour left


AJ: not bad (draws a card and smiles) but this will end now, first i'll play Graceful Charity (draws and discards) i'll summon Hunter Dragon to the field in attack mode (1700) but since right now he's worthless, i'll remove him from play and call for this is in place, go Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon! (2800) now due to it's effect i can Special Summon one dragon from my hand or graveyard (smiles darkly) allow me to bring back and old friend, my Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon!!! (the dragon raored once more)


AJ: but this time around i have 7 dragons in the grave, so now my pet is at 5500 attack points! finally i'll discrad my Inferno Fire Blast to activate my Lightning Vortex, say goodbye to your creatures! (counter?)

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"Listen Crystal, this amulet is a Shadow Charm. It glows when a Shadow Duelist is nearby. And right now, in this room, and in the middle of this duel, it's almost burning my shirt with the sheer radiance of it. One or more Shadow Duelists are in this room right now. I haven't seen a ghost, I've seen something worse." Koga looked at Quetzlcoatl. "I've seen a nightmare!"

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"Ha! I counter your attack by destroying both of my dragons. This leads me to be able to counter Summon Wrath of Quetzalcoatl!"



3 monsters in my Graveyard + 7 in yours = + 2000 ATK = 6500 ATK!


A Massive dragon, larger than any dragon the duelists had seen before, launched into the sky, towering over the arena.

"I won't be losing this game, AJ."

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