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Morphing Jar + Protector of the Sanctuary = nicer combo?





Lady Assailant of Flames?


Top of deck = hand?



Good combos are good cards that happen to work well together. Not bad cards which are only ever usable when combined with another specific card.


Since when is Creature Swap a bad card?

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Morphing Jar + Protector of the Sanctuary = nicer combo?




That works too' date=' though it requires some way of Special Summoning one of the two.


Good combos are good cards that happen to work well together. Not bad cards which are only ever usable when combined with another specific card.


Since when is Creature Swap a bad card?


I think we both know that Creature Swap isn't the weak link here.

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A Warrior-Type with 1800ATK?


+Creature Swap?



Neither player can activate "Creature Swap" if the only monster you control is "Blindly Loyal Goblin". If you control "Blindly Loyal Goblin" and 1 other monster when "Creature Swap" is activated' date=' you must select the other monster.



Fail :D

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