~Emo~ Posted February 24, 2009 Report Share Posted February 24, 2009 [spoiler=plot]10 years after the events of DOOM3 You and your squad receive a distress call from the U.A.C headquarters. You and your squad must go and find out what is causing the signal. But when you find out whats there, you wish you would have never came. \[spoiler=enemies]ArchVile:The Archvile can be one of the most dangerous enemies in the game. Not only are they powerful and hard to kill, they can also summon other enemies to aid them. Kill them before any other enemies. Try to keep out of their line of sight and at a distance using long range weapons such as the BFG / Rocket Launcher wherever possible. If you are at close range try to aim for the head as you will cause 2x the damage. Bruiser: The Bruiser is a powerful enemy, it can do a lot of damage should its rockets/fireball balls hit you or it gets close enough to toss you around. The Bruiser is faster moving than the Hellknight and can take more damage. Keep your distance and use the rocket launcher. At closer range make use of the Artifact, rocket launcher or plasma gun to inflict as much damage as you can. If you are at close range try to aim for the head as you will cause 2x the damage. Cacodemon: An airborne demon that can be hard to kill due to its toughness and its ability to easily dodge your attacks. Rocket launcher shots in particular can easily be dodged by the Cacodemon. Spits out fireballs with splash damage, try to avoid these by staying under the Cacodemon while you use rapid fire weapons that will 'bounce it around' and inflict damage. A Cacodemon's fireballs can sometimes be taken out with the plasma gun before they hit you. Commando Zombie: Unrelenting and quite brutal in their attacks, armed with either a chaingun or a tentacle, commandos can be a dangerous enemy. Try to keep a reasonable distance from Commandos with a chaingun, the weapon is not as accurate at longer distances. If you are facing one or two use the shotgun or a rapid fire weapon. If Commandos are attacking in number use the rocket launcher or grenades and finish them off with the shotgun or a rapid fire weapon such as the plasma gun. If you are at close range try to aim for the head as you will cause 2x the damage. Chainsaw Zombie: Chainsaw Zombies can be a worthy opponent at close range. However if you keep a reasonable distance and use the shotgun or rapid fire weapons such as the machine gun, chaingun or plasma gun to circle them they are easily defeated. If you are at close range try to aim for the head as you will cause 2x the damage. Cherub: The Cherub is an airborne demon that is perhaps one of the most annoying enemies in Doom3. Fast with quite high damage from its claws and leap attacks this demon is best attacked with the shotgun at close range or the machinegun, plasmagun or chaingun at longer ranges. If you are at close range try to aim for the head as you will cause 1.25x the damage. CyberDemon:One of the four bosses in Doom3. The almighty CyberDemon, large with a devastating rocket launcher attached to one arm that can crush / kill with one shot. The toughest boss, this demon can take endless shots, even from the BFG. The CyberDemon moves quite slowly for its size but can out-walk you, keep your distance and keep running, you must use the soul cube as your main weapon against the Cyberdemon. Use your most powerful splash damage weapons such as the rocket launcher and the BFG against the Imps and Maggots while the CyberDemon briefly pauses to prepare to fire. Recharge your soul cube by killing demons around you. Rapid fire weapons such as the chaingun and plasma gun are of little use. Flaming Zombie: Flaming Zombies can be a problem when at close range. However if you keep a reasonable distance and use a combination of the shotgun and rapid fire weapons such as the machine gun, chaingun or plasma gun while circling them they are easily defeated. If you are at close range try to aim for the head as you will cause 2x the damage. Guardian: One of the four bosses in Doom3. Being blind the Guardian is quite useless without the 'seekers' it sends out to spot its enemies. Take out each seeker quickly with the shotgun or chaingun, or at least dodge its searchlight. Tough, this demon can take many shots, even from the BFG. Try to focus your shots on the blue/red glow above as it spawns new seekers. The demon is quite slow, so keep your distance, destroy / avoid the seekers and use your most powerful splash damage weapons such as the rocket launcher and the BFG. Hell Knight: Hell Knight, a powerful enemy, can do a lot of damage should the plasma balls hit you or they get close enough to toss you around. Can be slow moving and can take a lot of damage. Keep your distance and use the rocket launcher or BFG. At closer range use the chaingun, shotgun or plasma gun to inflict as much damage as you can. If you are at close range try to aim for the head as you will cause 2x the damage. Imp: As long as you are not surprised by the Imp it is fairly easy to kill and you can easily avoid their fireballs at distance. Fireballs can sometimes be taken out with the shotgun or plasma gun before they hit you. Keep an eye open for them in crevices (ceiling and ground). If you are facing one or two use the shotgun or a rapid fire weapon. If the Imps are attacking in number use the rocket launcher or grenades. Lost Soul: Lost Souls are airborne demons that travel in packs. Fast but fairly easy to kill with rapid fire weapons such as the chaingun and machinegun. The weapon of choice if Lost Soul numbers are low is the shotgun. Avoid / keep your distance when large packs of Lost Souls are approaching. Maggot: Maggots, while easy to kill, are very fast and can easily surprise you with their attacks. Weapon of choice is the shotgun, rapid fire weapons such as the chaingun or machinegun are also of use. If you are at close range try to aim for the head as you will cause 1.5x the damage. Mancubus: Mancubus are incredibly slow but that is balanced with their ability to take a lot of punishment before they are killed. Their rapid firing plasma guns can cause a lot of damage, both direct and splash. However take advantage of their slow speed by taking cover / keeping a reasonable distance, using a mixture of the rocket launcher and rapid fire weapons such as the chaingun or plasma gun and they can be defeated. If you are at close range try to aim for the head as you will cause 1.5x the damage. Pinky Demon:Pinky Demon, fast and dangerous with the ability to inflict damage by ramming you, using its claws or using its teeth. Try not to get cornered by this demon, keep your distance, keep moving and make best use of the shotgun, chaingun or rocket launcher. At close range the weapon of choice is the shotgun. Revenant: Revenants are one of the fastest enemies in the game. While they can be killed with a few rockets, do not underestimate the Revenant. Their ability to attack from a long distance using a pair of heat seeking missiles and use their hands in close combat make them quite a formidable opponent. Missiles can sometimes be taken out with the plasma gun before they hit you. To defeat the Revenant keep moving and make best use of the plasma gun, chaingun, shotgun and rocket launcher. If you are at close range try to aim for the head as you will cause 2x the damage. Z-Sec: Z-Sec guards are not as unrelenting and brutal in their attacks as the commandos, however they can still be a dangerous enemy. Armed with either a machinegun, pistol or shotgun, some may have riot shields that make them harder to kill. If you are facing one or two use the shotgun or a rapid fire weapon. If they are attacking in number use the rocket launcher or grenades and finish them off with the shotgun or a rapid fire weapon such as the machinegun / plasma gun. Zombies: Zombies are slow and easy to kill, armed at best with a wrench. May be found in groups of three or more, take advantage of their slow speed by running them round in circles while using weapons such as the plasmagun and shotgun. If they are attacking in groups weaken them with the rocket launcher and finish them off with other weapons. If you are at close range try to aim for the head as you will cause 2x the damage. [spoiler=weapons] BFG 9K: The most powerful weapon in the game, very destructive. A little more complex than other weapons due to its fire mode. The longer the trigger is held, the more ammunition you use and the more powerful the blast. Hold the trigger too long and you will frag yourself. The BFG is not useful at very close range, best used at medium range. Can cause damage to all enemies in line of sight of the final blast. First found in a locked cabinet in the level 'Delta Labs 2'. Chaingun: Very useful when surrounded by a lot of enemies. Only really useful at short to medium range, some enemies may move slower then normal / be stunned while chaingun projectiles hit their target. Very effective at medium to close range. First found in a locked cabinet in the level 'Administration'. Chainsaw: An old favourite from Doom 1 / Doom 2, you must be very close to an enemy to use this. Some enemies may not attack or move while the Chainsaw makes contact. Does not require any ammunition / power. First found in the level 'Communications'. Double Barrel Shotgun: The return of the double barrelled shotgun, an old favourite from many of id software's games. Unlike the shotgun this is effective against majority of enemies (weak or strong) when at close or medium range. Weaker enemies take a single shot, stronger enemies take two or three shots to kill. Can be very useful in combination with long range weapons such as the Rocket launcher. Very effective at close range. Grenades: An old favourite from other games such as the Quake series. Can be extremely useful when large groups of weaker enemies are approaching; one grenade can damage or kill many of them. Use grenades before going into an area for the first time. The longer you hold down the fire button the further you throw the grenade, do not hold for longer then three seconds or it will blow up in your hand. Machine Gun: Very similar to the Quake3 machinegun, good accuracy at medium to close range and a high rate of fire. Can still be used at long ranges although accuracy will be reduced. A good weapon to help finish off an opponent once the damage has already been inflected by another weapon. First found in the level 'Mars City', take it off a dead zombie guard or find in a locker. Pistol: One of the first weapons you get in Doom3, also referred to as a Handgun. Useful at longer distance than other weapons. You may want to weaken enemies with the pistol at long range before switching to another weapon when you get closer. Can be very useful in combination with the shotgun (short range). First found in the level 'Mars City Underground'. Plasma Gun: One of the best all round weapons. Very rapid fire with good overall damage, albeit with slow projectiles. Useful at short to medium range against most enemies. First found in the level 'Alpha Labs 4'. Rocket Launcher: One of the most powerful weapons in the game. Not useful at short range but comes into its own at medium to long range. The rockets can be destroyed by other weapons such as the plasma gun and chaingun before they hot you. Able to kill multiple enemies with a single shot, just be wary of the splash damage or you might find you kill yourself. Shotgun: An old favourite from many of id software's games. Most effective at very close range. With abundant ammunition in the game you may find yourself using this frequently. Most of the weaker enemies take a shot or a couple of shots to kill. Can be very useful in combination with long range weapons such as the Pistol or Rocket launcher. Very effective at close range. [spoiler=forum] Name:Age: 15+Appearance: Weapon 1st:Weapon 2nd:Bio: [spoiler=accepted] Name: Freddy LakeshoreAge: 15Appearance: Weapon 1st: ShotGunWeapon 2nd: Machine GunBio: Later. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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