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Better tell the truth and expose the truth




I have downloaded Cove's template and saw that the one you're using isn't Cove's. And Cove doesn't have a Tech Circle like that because that's mine! You stole it and due to my investigation' date=' you stole it and you never give credit to the owner. You better pay for a FR for that Circle or face negs!



I support Kyle-san

I Cant Remember Who it Was, And i Have The FR, i Payed, Maybe it Was Someone Else

It WAS Coves, It Was his OCG Tin, I Just Moved The Japanese 5Ds Logo And Peplaced it With The EN 5ds Logo

1.Sprite Sheet: Um..... Hope this is characters' date=' cause. Naruto and Sasukae.

2.Part you want animated:Naruto pranking Sasukae and Sasukae flippin out.

3.Details:Naruto comes out of no wher. Throws pie at Sasukae. Throws bomb. Bomb blows up on Sasukae. Throws cat. Cat does dust thing on Sasukae. Naruto falls down and holds stomach. Naruto laughs. Sasukae uses a powerful beam on Narruto dissapears. End.



He Doesnt Do Animations Right Now, His

PC Broke

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Better tell the truth and expose the truth




I have downloaded Cove's template and saw that the one you're using isn't Cove's. And Cove doesn't have a Tech Circle like that because that's mine! You stole it and due to my investigation' date=' you stole it and you never give credit to the owner. You better pay for a FR for that Circle or face negs!



I support Kyle-san

I Cant Remember Who it Was, And i Have The FR, i Payed, Maybe it Was Someone Else

It WAS Coves, It Was his OCG Tin, I Just Moved The Japanese 5Ds Logo And Peplaced it With The EN 5ds Logo

1.Sprite Sheet: Um..... Hope this is characters' date=' cause. Naruto and Sasukae.

2.Part you want animated:Naruto pranking Sasukae and Sasukae flippin out.

3.Details:Naruto comes out of no wher. Throws pie at Sasukae. Throws bomb. Bomb blows up on Sasukae. Throws cat. Cat does dust thing on Sasukae. Naruto falls down and holds stomach. Naruto laughs. Sasukae uses a powerful beam on Narruto dissapears. End.



He Doesnt Do Animations Right Now, His

PC Broke


HAHAHAHAHA Afraid to expose it? I asked Cove personally and he said it is not his template, LOOK



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1.Sprite Sheet: Um..... Hope this is characters' date=' cause. Naruto and Sasukae.

2.Part you want animated:Naruto pranking Sasukae and Sasukae flippin out.

3.Details:Naruto comes out of no wher. Throws pie at Sasukae. Throws bomb. Bomb blows up on Sasukae. Throws cat. Cat does dust thing on Sasukae. Naruto falls down and holds stomach. Naruto laughs. Sasukae uses a powerful beam on Narruto dissapears. End.


You would need a sprite sheet he cant pull the images for it out of thin air

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Better tell the truth and expose the truth




I have downloaded Cove's template and saw that the one you're using isn't Cove's. And Cove doesn't have a Tech Circle like that because that's mine! You stole it and due to my investigation' date=' you stole it and you never give credit to the owner. You better pay for a FR for that Circle or face negs!



I support Kyle-san

I Cant Remember Who it Was, And i Have The FR, i Payed, Maybe it Was Someone Else

It WAS Coves, It Was his OCG Tin, I Just Moved The Japanese 5Ds Logo And Peplaced it With The EN 5ds Logo

1.Sprite Sheet: Um..... Hope this is characters' date=' cause. Naruto and Sasukae.

2.Part you want animated:Naruto pranking Sasukae and Sasukae flippin out.

3.Details:Naruto comes out of no wher. Throws pie at Sasukae. Throws bomb. Bomb blows up on Sasukae. Throws cat. Cat does dust thing on Sasukae. Naruto falls down and holds stomach. Naruto laughs. Sasukae uses a powerful beam on Narruto dissapears. End.



He Doesnt Do Animations Right Now, His

PC Broke


HAHAHAHAHA Afraid to expose it? I asked Cove personally and he said it is not his template, LOOK




I Downloaded The Wrong Thing, I Now Have Something Different

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Picture:(Put In Spoiler)[spoiler=pic] Bio-Mecha_War.jpg


Text: JARD

What Kind Of Text(optional): the type used in the final fanatasy game titles if possible, if not a text that you think will go well with the image...

Text Location: Top Left

Text Color: translucent white...

Glowing Effects and Smudges:(Tell me where and what color)(no color for smudges)no

Other: can you cut down the size of the pic a bit... can you also make exactly the same but with the text NEO:JARD

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Picture:(Put In Spoiler)[spoiler=pic] 25grtxh.jpg


Text: JARD

What Kind Of Text(optional): the type used in the final fanatasy game titles if possible, if not a text that you think will go well with the image...

Text Location: Top Left

Text Color: translucent white...

Glowing Effects and Smudges:(Tell me where and what color)(no color for smudges)no

Other: can you cut down the size of the pic a bit... can you also make exactly the same but with the text NEO:JARD

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Gess What' date=' Till July! dark synchros are free! ( My ones)[spoiler=Items'][spoiler=spider5667s items(mine)]

[spoiler=DS Box]

Cost: 2 Pnts




Text Colour:

Wifi: Y/N

Rating: > E ( Every body )> T( Teens )> Ao( Adults only ) > RP ( Rating Pending )> EV ( Extreme violence )



[spoiler=dark synchros]cost:0 points till July!!!

time:15 Mins!


card:, must be an effect monster

gold sticker:

[spoiler=Examples]Color 1/Color 2gfghkjfhghfdhgjf-177.png



[spoiler=Trap or Spell monster][spoiler=example]gggggggggggggggggggggggggg6.jpg



Go on the card maker and right click on the card, then select Properties and copy the Adress ( URL )

Paste the URL here:

Cost:1pnt if Effect Text is Short, 2pnts if text is meidium and 3 if Text is LONG!


[spoiler=card recoulers]Cost:1 point

time :1 day



part of card:



[spoiler=Custom Card Type]

Cost 10 pnts




Star Alignment ( Middle / Left / Right / Going Down the Side / ect. )

Star Color:

Card Backround Color:





[spoiler=YGO Tins ( Coves Template )]


Tin Name:

Render( Must Be a Render ):

Card Image:


Logo: EN

Price: 6-9 pnts, Depends on The Render.


Example Coming Soon!

I Have Coves Template on FR




[spoiler=Deck Box]

Template By DA

Price: 4 pnts


Box Color:



Neo Font( Extra 4 pnts ):












[spoiler=Anime-Manga Lover Items] [spoiler=Cropping]



Size ( Pixels or Inches )

Part Of Img:

[spoiler=original img] aylkyq.jpg

[spoiler=cropped img] 91apw8.jpg








[spoiler=bobo144s items][spoiler=Hand Holding Cards]20u1lro.jpg[spoiler=Form]

5 Cards (Needed in Spoiler):



[spoiler=Form]Picture:(Put In Spoiler)


What Kind Of Text(optional):

Text Location:

Text Color:

Glowing Effects and Smudges:(Tell me where and what color)(no color for smudges)







[spoiler=chaos_demons items][spoiler=sprites] cost 3 points


1.Sprite Sheet:

2.Part you want animated:


Note:If u want a background...you must provide it yourself and it costs 1 point extra)




[spoiler=recoulers] cost 2 points







[spoiler=holos]rare holos: cost: 2 points / holos: cost 1 point



[spoiler=example] rare:Isis-Madienoftheunderworld.jpg/ non rare:AngelicAmorholo.jpg



[spoiler=Sprite Comic]



Price: 1 Point Per Box/Panel( Example is 2 )


Sprite Sheet:


Discribe where and how the sprites are positioned:

Speech order: (note write the names of the sprite sayind it)









[spoiler=.:Lawliet:.`s Items]

[spoiler=Inverts (whole and sectional),]




Card for Invert:

Places for Invert:

Price=0 points






[spoiler=Dark Synchros (Slightly off balance stars),]




Card to be Dark Synchro:

Note: The Lore MUST include the words: 1 non-Tuner monster - 1 Dark Tuner monster(s)

Cost: 2 points






[spoiler=Recolors (whole and sectional),]




Card for Recolor:

Color(s) and Location of Recolor:

Cost: 1 Point







[spoiler=Gold Stickers.]




Card for Gold Sticker:







(Note: For ALL of these, when I ask for a card, I want the pic of the card.)



[spoiler=Canceled Orders ( If your order hasnt Come yet, Check here)]

# ed carter123







[spoiler=Work Apllication]


Item 1:

Item 2:

Other Items:

Examples ( Put in Spoiler ):

Skills You can Help The Workers With




it is a banner...

bobo144s items

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