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Better tell the truth and expose the truth




I have downloaded Cove's template and saw that the one you're using isn't Cove's. And Cove doesn't have a Tech Circle like that because that's mine! You stole it and due to my investigation, you stole it and you never give credit to the owner. You better pay for a FR for that Circle or face negs!

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Better tell the truth and expose the truth




I have downloaded Cove's template and saw that the one you're using isn't Cove's. And Cove doesn't have a Tech Circle like that because that's mine! You stole it and due to my investigation' date=' you stole it and you never give credit to the owner. You better pay for a FR for that Circle or face negs!



I support Kyle-san

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1.Sprite Sheet: Um..... Hope this is characters, cause. Naruto and Sasukae.

2.Part you want animated:Naruto pranking Sasukae and Sasukae flippin out.

3.Details:Naruto comes out of no wher. Throws pie at Sasukae. Throws bomb. Bomb blows up on Sasukae. Throws cat. Cat does dust thing on Sasukae. Naruto falls down and holds stomach. Naruto laughs. Sasukae uses a powerful beam on Narruto dissapears. End.

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