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Synchro Change

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[align=center]Theres no pic, but heres the effect:


Its a normal Spell btw[/align]


[justify]Remove from play 1 face-up Synchro Monster you control. Special Summon 1 Synchro Monster from your Extra Deck whose Level is the same as the removed monster. Negate the effect(s) of the monster Special Summoned by this card's effect.[/justify]




This card could have been great' date=' but they ruined it with that stupid last line


Whats your opinion?[/align']

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It negates the negative effect of RDA, which is sometimes more devastating to you than his good effect is to your opponent. This card can also be a great surprise card or very awesome with Brain Control. This card would help in an Assault Mode deck. The last line definitely hurts the card, but maybe not as much as first thought.

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Until they release some ridiculously strong Synchro with a horribly crushing negative effect, this is pretty much useless. Sure, it lets you swap out a weak guy with a good effect for a beatstick, but why not use Axe of Despair if you want your Brionac to have the ATK of a Goyou?


I thought Synchros were Semi-Nomi?


So are Fusions. That doesn't stop Metamorphosis, which is basically the Fusion version of this card done right.

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Can't you pay costs for effects?


Don't effects reset in the Graveyard?


It depends on the exact ruling of the card. If the Synchro Monster is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard' date=' and has an effect that would activate after that - see Colossal Fighter - then it should work normally. If, however, a Synchro Monster's effect requires it to be Tributed as a cost - see Stardust Dragon - then it would probably work, but I can't remember the exact precedent.


Of course, both Colossal Fighter and Stardust Dragon are hampered by the fact that, not having been Synchro Summoned properly, they cannot Special Summon themselves from the Graveyard anyhow, weakening them both significantly (if Stardust does indeed work).


Sephiro has a point. look:


I use MC on my opponent's Stardust, use the card, tribute it for some monster, and bring it back with Monster Reborn. You could build a deck around that card.


You're going to build a deck around a 3-card combo, none of whose components are searchable, one of whose components is Limited, and which has an additional dependency on your opponent's field?


Have fun... scoffed Crab Helmet.


Oh, and by the way, Synchro Monsters are Semi-Nomi, so it wouldn't work anyhow. A Synchro Monster that was Special Summoned by this card was not properly Synchro Summoned, so it cannot be Special Summoned from the Graveyard.

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Opponent on 2900 LP.

You have Stardust on field' date=' nothing else, opponent clear.

No cards in hand except for the discussed one.

Opponent smirking.

Turn Stardust into RDA, attack for game.



First of all, if I have Stardust and a hand while my opponent has nothing and is about to be down to 400 Life Points, why is my opponent smirking?


Second of all, anything from Ookazi to Rush Recklessly to Spell Striker would produce victory in that scenario.


Third of all, that is ludicrously contrived and certainly doesn't justify running this terrible card.


Sixth and lastly, you're an idiot.

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