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  1. Yugioh Card Maker

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  2. Custom Cards

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    2. Realistic Cards

      Post balanced and well-designed cards with the intent of making them function in a competitive atmosphere. Pop Culture cards designed with this in mind are welcome here.

    3. Card Contests

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    3. 359.7k
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  • Recent Status Updates

    • Simping For Hina

      Let's see how long this lasts:

      The best thing to come out of this site was meeting Hina. She is one of the best people to ever inhabit this world.

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    • WalkieTalkieFriend

      Once He Starts Playing, He Never Stops, That Damn Boy.

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    • ENMaker

      i never noticed as the bot posts are so all-encompassing generally but they in fact do not post in miscellaneous at all, i don't know why, the only difference is the posts not counting maybe there's some permissions bots cannot acquire to get in there 

      in any case this website is officially as far as i am concerned retired, it will be here who knows how long and maybe pinning a thread to every section will resurrect the sadly slain ycmaker


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      2. LordCowCowCowCowCowCowCowCow


        idk if the last matters as it was there for a while but unsure

      3. Tormented

        It's fine if I need to look into hardening security; I can and will. That being said, I'd be very surprised if the bots are coded in such a way that they'll jump shit to another URL they can find but not my area of expertise.

      4. ENMaker

        yeah i mean a part of me thinks cowcow is a lunatic clown fool and this isn't really after happening because why and how would the bots do it but i delete most of them anyway

      5. LordCowCowCowCowCowCowCowCow

        I could be just paranoid

        Actually no I know I'm paranoid about a lot of things

        Just the timing that it only happened after the links were put up makes me think "Better safe than sorry"

      6. View All Replies
    • Yui

      seeing as it's nearly been pushed out of the status bar, remember that this site but better in every conceivable way exists


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    • Sleepy

      I stop checking this place for just a few days and suddenly the 7000 ish members needed to reach the million get past the goal? The bots are strong in this one.

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    • peretuki

      I enter again to this website to create more Yugioh cards, but the data of my created cards on past is not on the list, somebody know If the data is already losted? Or I can try to recovery? Help please! 

      1. ENMaker

        i am sorry there is nothing we can do, go to neocardmaker and use that from now on this website has been forsaken by its creator and sole administrator 

    • Yankee

      Check out the newest video I did for Shadow Spector! And don't forget to hit subscribe! <3

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    • BlueAuraEX

      And another for ya!...Don't look at me like that. I'm a gentleman, you orangutan.

      Jokes aside, Dancer's more of a support than an actual CB addition since she only counts as one when in your hand or Deck. This was to ensure you couldn't just bleed out more of the crappy CBs for Rainbow Dragon shenanigans since that would very easily break CBs and topple meta in an unfair manner.

      Her primary purpose is to help those relatively horrible CBs gain something of a purpose besides being, ya know, crap. Her easy-to-summon nature also helps things when combo'd into Diamond Snake. This will allow you to mill those pesky CBs from your Deck a bit more easily, allowing you to get out the CBs 'actual' boss card without your opponent laughing in your face as you take a bajillion years to get it out.

      Also, her face is up there, bucko. Yeah, I see you.

      Once again, the background and monster images aren't mine, as they were found online.

      Crystal Maiden Turquoise Dancer.jpeg

      1. Zamazenta the OS-Tan Fan

        That’s a cool card! Now that you’re finally back, you’ve noticed all the Temu bots, right? They ruin the site and make it garbage. Your cards will get way more attention if you post them on NCM https://neocardmaker.com/ It’s a better version of YCM, and that’s where most of us are hanging out these days since YCMaker abandoned this site.

    • BlueAuraEX

      Just got done making this since I'm getting back into YGO and yes, it's a CB again. Ikr? How original; wishing CBs weren't trash and had actual good support. This one's entire goal is to help CBs have even faster speed. Found the background and monster images from online so they're not mine, just an FYI.

      The best word to describe Diamond Snake is Versatility. You can do an absolute crap ton of stuff with it. You could absolutely just summon it and get the CB Deck or GY search, but you could also use Pegasus into Snake (S&T Zone), banish into another Diamond Snake Special Summon, use its effect to get a Rainbow Dragon into your hand, attack with a CB (Snake if you're feeling daring), Special Summon Rainbow Dragon, repeat Snake banish into the third Diamond Snake and get yet another Rainbow Dragon, attack with first Rainbow Dragon and summon a second Rainbow Dragon.

      Yeah, you're not friggin' laughing at CBs anymore, are ya? That's what I thought. Oh, and look at that; you've got a whole bunch of CBs on the field already! Better get to them CB S&T Zone shenanigans! :D

      Crystal Beast Diamond Snake.jpeg

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    • Yui

      temu more like



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